EGS Badge Award 1996
Sierd Cloetingh

in recognition of his generous services as European Editor of the Society’s journal "Tectonics "


Sierd Cloetingh received his BSc at the University of Groningen in 1972 and his MSc and PhD at the University of Utrecht in 1977 and 1982, respectively. Since 1979 he has published about 120 papers, and he has taken on numerous university functions and national responsibilities, such as Professor of Tectonics at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Scientific Director of the Netherlands Research School of Sedimentary Geology, Chairman of the Netherlands Committee of the International Lithosphere Programme (ILP) and Member of the Board on Biological, Atmospheric and Earth Sciences of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).

In addition, Cloetingh has served as chairman of various scientific committees and task forces, including the International Lithosphere Programme Task Force, the Scientific Committee of EUG VII, and the Earth and Marine Sciences Section of the Academia Europaea. He has also served as Editor, Associate Editor or Member of the Editorial Board of several well accepted scientific journals, such as Tectonics, Global and Planetary Change, Journal of Geophysical Research, Sedimentary Geology, Tectonophysics and Geologica Carpathica, respectively.

Sierd Cloetingh has received several honours and awards, including the Leopold von Buch Medal of the German Geological Society, Distinguished Lecturer of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Member of the Academia Europaea and Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Newsletter 59, 34, 1996