Climate change clues (and a window of hope?)
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Issue 105, September 2023
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Geoscience for the benefit of humanity and the planet

Credit: Livio Ruggiero (from

Climate change clues (and a window of hope?)

From the Antarctic Ice Sheet to tree-rings, we can learn plenty about Earth’s present and future

In a first-of-its kind analysis of the Antarctic ice sheet, researchers Ronja Reese and Emily Hill break down their ice loss study and reveal a small window of hope; while dendrochonrologist Nazimul Islam tells us how tree rings act as one of the finest proxies for studying past climate, hydrology, archaeology and more.

Meanwhile, EGU Policy Manager Chloe Hill dissects the Science Europe publication, Science–Policy in Action: Insights for the Green and Digital Transition, and its relation to climate change, biodiversity loss and digital technologies.

In other news, EGU’s Media Survey reveals that despite willingness to speak to the media, journalists say scientists often do not follow through, fearing their science will be misrepresented. If you are a scientist or researcher yourself, do you agree with this? Feel free to write to us at – we look forward to hearing from you!

And don’t forget to stay up-to-date with information on our next General Assembly EGU24. Subscribe to receive important updates in your inbox at the beginning of each month!

Science Policy

GeoPolicy: Insights for the Green and Digital Transition

What are Science-Policy Interface activities? What is the Green and Digital Transition? And how can research organisations support and promote science-informed policymaking?

Check out this month’s GeoPolicy blog which dives into the Science Europe publication, Science–Policy in Action: Insights for the Green and Digital Transition.

Credit: Paschal O'Hare (from

Open for review: Fostering transformative change

The EGU Biodiversity Task Force invites you to review, discuss, and provide feedback on their recent Geoscience Communication publication Fostering transformative change for biodiversity restoration through transdisciplinary research on our preprint server EGUsphere until 10 October, particularly for those working on the science-policy interface.

Journal Watch

“Tracking the volume and mass changes of a glacier in daily time steps allows a nearly instant evaluation of the state of a glacier in a particular year. We introduce the Glacier Loss Day as being the day in the hydrological year on which the mass accumulated during winter is lost, and the glacier loses mass irrecoverably for the rest of the mass balance year.”

Voordendag et al, 2023, The Crysophere


September EGU journal highlights


Winners of EGU Public Engagement Grants and Science Journalism Fellowship announced!

For 2023, the EGU Outreach Committee has named three grant winners (€1500 each) and three fellowship winners (together a total of €5000). Read about the winning applications now!

Resource of the month

What the media wants to hear from you

Which science stories do journalists want to cover? And what kind of preparation do they need from scientists to tell a compelling story? Find out from journalist Ananyo Bhattacharya in our EGUwebinar on YouTube.

Upcoming Dates

EGU Science for Policy hangout

Come virtually network with those working at the science-policy interface! Register for our upcoming #ScienceForPolicy hangout at 14:00 CEST on 2 October.

EDI Committee sponsored Bystander Intervention Workshop (with ADVANCEGeo)

Learn how to respond to and prevent harassment and other identity-based exclusionary behaviours in research & learning environments. Join our online workshop at 14:00 CEST on 5 October – spots fast filling!

EGU supported policy event: ‘Science activism and Science for Policy pathways’

Join this online event hosted by Euroscience, on 19-20 October in Girona, Spain. Discover practical tips on how to engage with policy and society effectively, while maintaining scientific integrity.

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