ISSUE 39, MARCH 2018
EGU newsletter: Monthly information service for members of the European Geosciences Union
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Mount Everest and Nuptse, by Martin Mergili. Find geoscience images (and upload yours!) at


With the EGU General Assembly just over a week away, we have a number of updates on the meeting, happening in Vienna from 8–13 April. Our conference organiser Copernicus has launched a great mobile app, and we recently announced a number of measures to reduce the environmental impact of the conference, from encouraging people to travel by train to introducing an option for participants to offset their carbon footprint. On the EGU blog, GeoLog, you can find posts about the city of Vienna, and a selection of Union-wide events, short courses and policy activities at the EGU General Assembly. For students taking part in the Outstanding Student Poster and PICO, there are also some tips from the judges on how to prepare a poster or PICO presentation.

This month, we have also announced that we are accepting nominations for EGU awards and medals. We encourage the EGU membership to consider gender, geographical and cultural balance when nominating outstanding Earth, planetary and space scientists at various career stages.

Last but not the least, we have also announced that we are launching two new publications at the 2018 General Assembly: a journal, Geoscience Communication, and a compilation, the Encyclopedia of Geosciences. Find these and many other EGU updates below.


General Assembly
EGU News
Journal Watch
EGU Blogs

General Assembly

EGU General Assembly logo

EGU News

More EGU news items are available on the EGU website.  

Journal Watch

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP)

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Evaluation of stratospheric age of air from CF4, C2F6, C3F8, CHF3, HFC-125, HFC-227ea and SF6; implications for the calculations of halocarbon lifetimes, fractional release factors and ozone depletion potentials

Results from the Fourth WMO Filter Radiometer Comparison for aerosol optical depth measurements

The maintenance of elevated active chlorine levels in the Antarctic lower stratosphere through HCl null cycles

Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT)

Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

Atmospheric QBO and ENSO indices with high vertical resolution from GNSS radio occultation temperature measurements

Biogeosciences (BG)


Ideas and perspectives: hydrothermally driven redistribution and sequestration of early Archaean biomass – the “hydrothermal pump hypothesis”

Climate of the Past (CP)

Climate of the Past

A 305-year continuous monthly rainfall series for the island of Ireland (1711–2016)

Earth Surface Dynamics (ESurf)

Earth Surface Dynamics

Colluvial deposits as a possible weathering reservoir in uplifting mountains

U–Th and 10Be constraints on sediment recycling in proglacial settings, Lago Buenos Aires, Patagonia

Earth System Dynamics (ESD)

Earth System Dynamics

Thermodynamics of saline and fresh water mixing in estuaries

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS)

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

Active heat pulse sensing of 3-D-flow fields in streambeds

Decoupling of dissolved organic matter patterns between stream and riparian groundwater in a headwater forested catchment

From engineering hydrology to Earth system science: milestones in the transformation of hydrologic science

Using hydraulic head, chloride and electrical conductivity data to distinguish between mountain-front and mountain-block recharge to basin aquifers

Imaging groundwater infiltration dynamics in the karst vadose zone with long-term ERT monitoring

Citizen observations contributing to flood modelling: opportunities and challenges

Ocean Science (OS)

Ocean Science

Decorrelation scales for Arctic Ocean hydrography – Part I: Amerasian Basin



A systemic approach for modeling soil functions

The Cryosphere (TC)

The Cryosphere

On the retrieval of sea ice thickness and snow depth using concurrent laser altimetry and L-band remote sensing data

The European mountain cryosphere: a review of its current state, trends, and future challenges

Other papers highlighted by the editors of EGU open access journals are available online.

EGU Blogs

GeoLog, the EGU blog

EGU network blogs

EGU division blogs

More posts from the EGU blogs are available at

EGU Science for Policy
Discover EGU's Science for Policy resources & sign up to our database of expertise to help integrate science in the policy-making process
EGU Meetings Calendar
EGU Jobs Portal
Early Career Scientists website
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