About early career scientists (ECS)
The EGU offers a platform for early career scientists to become involved in interdisciplinary research in the Earth, planetary and space sciences, through sessions, social events and short courses at the annual General Assembly in April. The ECS website brings together the opportunities the EGU offers for early career researchers – useful resources, job opportunities and information on how you can get involved in the Union.
What is an early career scientist?
An Early Career Scientist (ECS) is a student, a PhD candidate, or a practising scientist who received their highest certificate (e.g. BSc, MSc or PhD) within the past seven years. The seven-year period can be extended to allow for periods when the scientist was not working in science because of, but not limited to, caring and/or parental responsibilities, disability, personal illness, community obligations or national service.
The EGU offers awards and medals to early career scientists each year during the annual EGU General Assembly. These include the Arne Richter Awards for Outstanding Early Career Scientists, which is Union wide, as well as field-specific Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Awards.
For information on how to nominate a candidate for one of the Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Awards, please see the proposal and selection of candidates page on the EGU website. If you nominate someone for an award, make sure you include everything on the checklist for submitting nominations.