EGU newsletter: Monthly information service for members of the European Geosciences Union
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Tornado roping out in Eads (Colorado), by Melissa Bukovsky. Find geoscience images (and upload yours!) at


Following ongoing unrest at Agung in Bali, Indonesia over the past couple of months, the volcano is now emitting dense clouds of ash and incandescence is visible at night at the summit. Read the GMPV Division update on the eruption here. Another natural hazard also occurred this month: on the evening of 12 November, a magnitude 7.3 earthquake hit the Iraq–Iran border region. You can find detailed information about the tremor on the EGU website.

In other news, the EGU has opened applications to both the EGU 2018 General Assembly mentoring programme and the EGU Public Engagement Grants this month. Follow the links to find out more. If you’d like to apply for funding to attend the General Assembly next year, make sure to submit your conference abstract by tomorrow!

Early next month, we'll be announcing the results of the EGU Election Autumn 2017 for the next EGU Union President, General Secretary and Division Presidents. Check the EGU website or your inbox in the next few days to find out who won.


EGU News
General Assembly
Journal Watch
EGU Blogs

EGU News

More EGU news items are available on the EGU website.  

General Assembly

EGU General Assembly logo

Journal Watch

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP)

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

The role of meteorological conditions and pollution control strategies in reducing air pollution in Beijing during APEC 2014 and Victory Parade 2015

A new diagnostic for tropospheric ozone production

Impact of agricultural emission reductions on fine-particulate matter and public health

Biogeosciences (BG)


Reviews and syntheses: on the roles trees play in building and plumbing the critical zone

Global consequences of afforestation and bioenergy cultivation on ecosystem service indicators

Vertical segregation among pathways mediating nitrogen loss (N2 and N2O production) across the oxygen gradient in a coastal upwelling ecosystem

Climate of the Past (CP)

Climate of the Past

Climate of migration? How climate triggered migration from southwest Germany to North America during the 19th century

Simulation of climate, ice sheets and CO2 evolution during the last four glacial cycles with an Earth system model of intermediate complexity

Latest Permian carbonate carbon isotope variability traces heterogeneous organic carbon accumulation and authigenic carbonate formation

Regional Antarctic snow accumulation over the past 1000 years

Earth System Dynamics (ESD)

Earth System Dynamics

Towards representing human behavior and decision making in Earth system models – an overview of techniques and approaches

Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems (GI)

Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems

Making better sense of the mosaic of environmental measurement networks: a system-of-systems approach and quantitative assessment

Geoscientific Model Development (GMD)

Geoscientific Model Development

The Palaeoclimate and Terrestrial Exoplanet Radiative Transfer Model Intercomparison Project (PALAEOTRIP): experimental design and protocols

Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS)

Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences

When probabilistic seismic hazard climbs volcanoes: the Mt. Etna case, Italy – Part 1: Model components for sources parameterization

When probabilistic seismic hazard climbs volcanoes: the Mt. Etna case, Italy – Part 2: Computational implementation and first results

The Cryosphere (TC)

The Cryosphere

A multilayer physically based snowpack model simulating direct and indirect radiative impacts of light-absorbing impurities in snow

Basin-scale heterogeneity in Antarctic precipitation and its impact on surface mass variability

Methanesulfonic acid (MSA) migration in polar ice: data synthesis and theory

Is there 1.5-million-year-old ice near Dome C, Antarctica?

Other papers highlighted by the editors of EGU open access journals are available online.

EGU Blogs

GeoLog, the EGU blog

EGU network blogs

EGU division blogs

More posts from the EGU blogs are available at

EGU Science for Policy
Discover EGU's Science for Policy resources & sign up to our database of expertise to help integrate science in the policy-making process
EGU Meetings Calendar
EGU Jobs Portal
Early Career Scientists website
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