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GM Geomorphology Early Career Scientists

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European Geosciences Union

Division on Geomorphology

Early Career Scientists

Around half of all EGU General Assembly participants are Early Career Scientists (ECS). This vital part of the scientific community is what this website is devoted to. Through the ECS representatives you can have a voice across the EGU realm. On this website we keep you up to date and inform you about our goals and communication channels.




  1. Communication on Twitter, Facebook, the GM Blog
    EGU-related events, scientific highlights, job advertisements and so on. Anything you pass over to us gets forwarded to a broader audience. Given the size and popularity of geomorphology, we have a whopping 4000+ Twitter followers and 2000+ Facebook likes.
    Posting on this blog is open to anyone who’s willing to write down interesting content, and there is room to increase the frequency of blog posts, so you should not hesitate to contact the editors! Our 2023/24 theme is ‘A Day in the Life of a Geomorphologist'. Please share your daily routine with us!
  2. Proposals for Great Debates, Short Courses and other non-scientific sessions. This year we were convening the following events:
    1. Fixed-term contracts: opportunity or exploitation? A round-table discussion with invited speakers sharing their opinions and providing suggestions on how to move forward or revise the career system.
    2. Meet the experts: Geomorphology. The ask and listen to an expert meeting, in a friendly atmosphere, where you can ask all your questions about how life in a successful scientific career looks like.
  3. Organisation of Networking or Pop-Up events. Still rusty from the online-only events, we are looking forward to keep you informed about social events especially for ECS. The general GM social event (aka a pub evening) at Mel's craft beer and diner was a great gathering to see many faces again in person.
  4. Union-wide discussions with other representatives. Every couple of months, ECS reps of all divisions gather online to discuss and act in working groups that cover topics such as (i) connectivity among divisions, (ii) the role of ECS, (iii) work-life balance, (iv) our vision of EGU, (v) increasing the weight of ECS within the union, (vi) improving definitions and customs of EGU in terms of Equality-Diversity-Inclusion.
  5. Involvement in decisions at division level. Aayush joins the discussions with our Division President (Kristen Cook) and the rest of the GM non-ECS committee, where decisions about session mergers and outstanding ECS awards are taken.

Who we are

Gerald Raab

Gerald is a geomorphology driven geologist, currently working as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada. In his research he uses geochronological and geochemical techniques to determine surface processes, mainly erosion and topographic evolution. Gerald benefitted from EGU’s annual meetings over the past decade. He aims to represent the diverse voices of fellow young geomorphologists in the Division’s decision-making processes and activities. He is looking very much forward to serve the community well. Tweet him @gr_science


Rachel P Oien

Rachel is a teaching fellow at Durham University, UK in physical geography. As a quantitative geomorphologist, she focuses on alpine geomorphology and palaeoglaciology throughout the Quaternary, primarily based in Scandinavia and Greenland and is now expanding to Antarctica. Her PhD work investigated the relationship between geomorphic cirques and climate. She has attended EGU in 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2023. She is highly motivated to serve the GM ECS community. Find her on twitter @rpassig1


Romano Clementucci

Romano is a tectonic geomorphologist, currently working as a Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Roma TRE in Italy. His research addresses questions including how geomorphic systems record geological signals, such as tectonics, uplift and climate, and which are the main controlling factors on the development of topography in terrestrial and marine environments. He is very happy to join the GM Team and ready contribute to the EGU community.


Pál Márton

Márton is a final-year PhD student in geosciences and GIS at the ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, and the secretary of the Hungarian ProGEO group. His research works focus on quantitative geodiversity assessment and geosite evaluations – following the standards of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and UNESCO Global Geoparks. Additionally, he has a great interest in UAV-based remote sensing and 3D models in geosciences. He hopes to serve the group of young researchers through the EGU.


Emma Lodes

Emma Lodes is a tectonic geomorphologist and PhD candidate at the German Research Center for Geosciences in Potsdam, Germany. Her current research involves landscape evolution along a climate gradient in Chile using cosmogenic radionuclide dating, and she is largely interested in the effects of climate and tectonics on landscape evolution and sediment transport. She is excited to be a part of the ECS team and contribute to the European Geomorphology community!


Janek Walk

Janek is a postdoc at the University of Vienna with a research focus on the processes and evolution of dryland geomorphology and soils – largely based on field studies in North Chile, Northwest Namibia and Central Asia. Outside of drylands, he further works on the human impact on fluvial systems in Central Europe. For these purposes, he integrates space- and UAS-borne remote sensing, GIS analyses, geomorphometry, numerical dating, and sedimentological data. As a regular EGU attendee since 2019, he is looking forward to engaging in the GM ECS community.


Riccardo Reitano

Riccardo is a tectonic geomorphologist at the University of Rome, Roma Tre. He is currently a postdoc researcher and lecturer. His work focuses on understanding the interaction between tectonics and surface processes. For doing this, he uses both analogue and numerical modelling, trying to catch the evolution of landscapes as a function of this continuous feedback. He is looking forward to contributing to the GM Team and to the EGU community.



Emily Bamber

Originally from North Wales, Emily Bamber is a final year PhD student in the Planetary Surface Processes lab at The University of Texas at Austin, USA. Emily's research addresses questions related to transverse drainage and planetary habitability; specifically the past evolution of impact crater lakes on Mars, Earth, and elsewhere, with satellite observations, landscape modelling, fieldwork and cosmogenic nuclides. She is looking forward to sharing geomorphology community updates and research via the EGU GM division blog!

What we do

Channels of outreach