Code of conduct
The European Geosciences Union (EGU), Europe’s leading organisation for Earth, planetary and space science, is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in geoscience research. The EGU facilitates dialogue and the exchange of information between scientists, the media, policymakers and the public and is recognised as a trusted source of impartial, evidence-based geoscience information.
In order to uphold and promote the highest standards of scientific integrity, open science and open access research, the Union has adopted the following Code of Conduct. The aim of this document is to promote ethical integrity and an inclusive, constructive and positive approach to science within the broad scope of EGU activities.
The standards set out in this document are intended to guide members, officers and participants in EGU activities on the expected and required behaviour and conduct. They are guidelines and do not imply a legal obligation on the part of EGU with respect to its members.
Because the EGU is committed to a safe, open, accessible and respectful environment at its meetings, all organisers and participants are also expected to follow specific meeting guidelines when publicly available. Guidelines for the EGU General Assembly are posted on the conference's annual website.
For more information, please contact:

- EGU code of conduct (December 2024) (PDF document, 150.0 KB)