EGUsphere is an online platform designed to increase visibility and boost discussion and collaboration within the Earth, planetary and space science community. Serving as a central repository for the abstracts and presentations from the Union’s annual General Assembly and other meetings, EGUsphere provides researchers with the opportunity to engage in virtual discussions, as well as a place to upload and access preprints.
EGUsphere contains:
- Preprints: both intended for later publication in an EGU journal, and those just intended to remain as preprints
- Previously published papers in EGU’s open-access journals, as well as all papers currently undergoing public peer review
- Abstracts submitted to the General Assembly (and other meetings) which have been assigned a DOI
- Conference materials linked to submitted abstracts, including poster, PICO and oral presentations
- Access to EGU’s innovative public peer review process for all uploaded materials
EGU’s open-access public peer-review method is now co-ordinated entirely through the EGUsphere platform. In addition to uploading a standard preprint, authors have the option to submit their preprint to one of EGU’s 19 well-established, open-access journals for publication. The final paper, along with the linked preprint and open discussion, will be added to the selected EGU journal’s catalogue upon publication. Authors will also be able to submit their manuscripts to other journals as well as post preprints without discussion or that they don’t intend to publish.
EGUsphere reinforces the European Geosciences Union’s commitment to collaborating with other digital geoscience repositories to provide the best possible publishing experience for authors and to facilitate the open dissemination of research findings.
EGUsphere is moderated by a team of volunteer moderators, co-ordinated by our publishing partner Copernicus, the EGUsphere co-ordinator Ulrich Pöschl and the EGU Publications Committee.
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