SMP2Early Career Karst Hydrologic Modelers Early career scientists Convener(s): Daniel Bittner Co-Convener(s): Markus Giese, Andreas Hartmann, Thomas Reimann Tue, 05 May, 16:15–18:00 Flow and transport modeling in complex karstic systems can be a demanding challenge. Various modeling approaches have been proposed during the last decades, ranging from black-box lumped to physically-based distributed models. Given this broad variety of tools, which can address a wide range of questions related to flow- and transport processes in karst aquifers, it can be challenging to find appropriate modeling approaches for a given objective. For this reason, several (early career) karst modelers expressed their interest in forming … Read more
US1Best practices for scientific integrity and scientific freedom in an age of pandemics - and beyond Early career scientists Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Media Convener(s): Alberto Montanari Co-Convener(s): Robin Bell, Hodaka Kawahata, J. Douglas Walker Orals | Join the online session Mon, 04 May, 16:15–18:00Join the online sessionMon, 04 May, 16:15–18:00 Society benefits greatly from scientific research and the subsequent communication of results without concern by the scientist for censorship, intimidation, or political interference. Speakers with a variety of expertises and backgrounds will debate which policies, roles, and responsibilities they view to be most effective to ensure the integrity of science, including freedom to disseminate results and scientific remarks. Read more
GDB3How can Early Career Scientists prioritise their mental wellbeing? Early career scientists Convener(s): Mathew Stiller-Reeve Co-Convener(s): Raffaele Albano, Anita Di Chiara, Olivia Trani, Stephanie Zihms Thu, 11 Apr, 19:00–20:30 Room E1 The ever more challenging work environments and increasing pressures on Early Career Scientists e.g. publish or perish, securing grant proposals, developing transferable skills and many more – and all while having a lack of job security. This puts a big strain on Early Career Scientists and this can lead to neglected mental well-being which in turn increases the risk of developing anxiety, depression or other mental health issues. The graduate survey from 2017 ( shows that 12% of respondents had … Read more
GDB4Rewards and recognition in science: what value should we place on contributions that cannot be easily measured (co-sponsored by AGU, and JpGU) Early career scientists Convener(s): Alberto Montanari Co-Convener(s): Jonathan Bamber, Robin Bell, Hiroshi Kitazato, Lily Pereg Wed, 10 Apr, 10:45–12:30 Room E1 "What counts may not be countable and what is countable may not count". Assessments of scientists and their institutions tend to focus on easy-to-measure metrics related to research outputs such as publications, citations, and grants. However, society is increasingly dependent on Earth science research and data for immediate decisions and long-term planning. There is a growing need for scientists to communicate, engage, and work directly with the public and policy makers, and practice open scholarship, especially regarding data and software. … Read more
MAL4/GDArne Richter Award for Outstanding ECS Lecture by Mathew Domeier Early career scientists Convener(s): Paul Tackley Tue, 09 Apr, 12:00–12:30 Room -2.21 Read more
MAL5/GMArne Richter Award for Outstanding ECS Lecture by Giulia Sofia Early career scientists Convener(s): Peter van der Beek , Daniel Parsons Mon, 08 Apr, 16:15–16:45 Room G2 Read more
MAL6/CLArne Richter Award for Outstanding ECS Lecture by Amanda C. Maycock Early career scientists Convener(s): Didier Roche Thu, 11 Apr, 10:45–11:15 Room E2 Read more
MAL7/CRArne Richter Award for Outstanding ECS Lecture by Marie Dumont Early career scientists Convener(s): Olaf Eisen Thu, 11 Apr, 12:00–12:30 Room N2 Read more
PCN6EGU Early Career Scientists' Forum Early career scientists Convener(s): Stephanie Zihms Co-Convener(s): Raffaele Albano, Olivia Trani Wed, 10 Apr, 12:45–13:45 Room L2 Are you an early career scientist at the General Assembly? Come along and meet your early career scientist representatives, find out what the EGU does for early career scientist and take the chance to become more involved in the Union. This forum is a great opportunity to let us know what you would like from the EGU, find out how you can get involved in the Assembly and meet other scientists in the EGU early career scientist community. NOTE: EGU … Read more
PCN7ECS Networking and Careers Reception (by invitation only) Early career scientists Convener(s): Stephanie Zihms Co-Convener(s): Raffaele Albano, Olivia Trani Tue, 09 Apr, 19:00–20:30 Room F2 Working in academia is a far cry from your average 9 to 5, and early career scientists (ECS) are often faced with questions that cannot be answered from a textbook. How do I balance research with other activities like science outreach or demonstrating? How do I strike a good work-life balance? Where should I focus my research? Alternatively, the academic route may not be for you and you may want to explore other geoscience careers, but aren't quite sure where … Read more
PCN8Diversity & Equality Reception Early career scientists Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Convener(s): Claudia Alves de Jesus Rydin Co-Convener(s): Marie Bocher, Daniel Conley, Liviu Matenco, Holly Stein Tue, 09 Apr, 18:00–19:00 EGU booth Join the network to promote and support diversity and equality of opportunities in the geosciences. Read more
SC1.12Help! I'm presenting at a scientific conference Early career scientists Convener(s): Stephanie Zihms Co-Convener(s): Bárbara Ferreira, Roelof Rietbroek, Emma Smith Mon, 08 Apr, 14:00–15:45 Room -2.62 Presenting at a scientific conference can be daunting for early career scientist and established. How can you optimally take advantage of those 12 minutes to communicate your research effectively? How do you cope with nervousness? What happens if someone asks a question that you don’t think you can answer? Is your talk tailored to the audience? Giving a scientific talk is a really effective way to communicate your research to the wider community and it is something anyone can learn … Read more
SC1.19How to convene and chair a session at the General Assembly Early career scientists Convener(s): Stephanie Zihms Co-Convener(s): Raffaele Albano, Helen Glaves, Roelof Rietbroek Tue, 09 Apr, 08:30–10:15 Room -2.85 his session will discuss the ins & outs of convening or co-convening a session from proposing to a session, the promotion and abstract handling to the actual General Assembly. We will discuss what makes a good session abstract and what are your options. What happens are you suggest a session and what you can do to promote your session. Read more
SC1.31How to peer-review? Early career scientists Convener(s): Mathew Stiller-Reeve Co-Convener(s): Bronwyn Wake Mon, 08 Apr, 16:15–18:00 Room -2.85 How do you peer-review? Apparently you are just supposed to miraculously know. Many of us never receive formal training in peer review, yet our peer-reviews are the cornerstone of scientific legitimacy. Constructive, respectful, coherent reviews nurture dialogue and advance research. So, how can we review papers in an efficient way? In this course, we suggest a process to help ensure that we give the authors the most useful feedback? We will hear from peer-review experts about how they go about … Read more
SC1.38Make sense of the mess: How to keep your research project on track Early career scientists Convener(s): Luisa Cristini Co-Convener(s): Daniela Henkel, Sebastian Hettrich, Winfried Hoke, Sylvia Walter Wed, 10 Apr, 14:00–15:45 Room -2.16 Research projects can be very messy. They start from an idea which then becomes a proposal and (hopefully) turns into a funded project which needs to be implemented and reported to the funding agency. Somewhen along the project lifetime it’s easy to lose track of the tasks and then get buried in paperwork when reporting time comes, especially if you are an early-career scientist with little or no experience in project management. In this short course, experienced research project managers … Read more
SC1.52Open publishing with EGU Early career scientists Convener(s): Hubert H.G. Savenije Co-Convener(s): Katja Fennel, Ulrich Pöschl, Thies Martin Rasmussen Fri, 12 Apr, 10:45–12:30 Room -2.16 Publication in Open Access is gradually becoming the norm. EGU has been fostering Open Access journals since 2001. But our journals go beyond open access publication. We provide an Open Discussion Forum for open review, open discussion and transparent evaluation. We also foster the objective of open science, whereby all relevant data are shared openly with the community. This Short Course is meant for potential authors in the EGU journals to discuss the procedures and advantages of our open access … Read more
SC2.12Science for policy: How can scientists get involved in the policymaking process? Early career scientists Policy Convener(s): Chloe Hill Co-Convener(s): Bárbara Ferreira Mon, 08 Apr, 16:15–18:00 Room -2.31 Encompassing a large number of scientific disciplines, the geosciences play an important role in many policy decisions including, but not limited to, those relate to climate change, natural hazard management, energy security, space exploration, agriculture and ocean health. The information that geoscientists can give to policymakers is able to improve the policy making process, expand the impact of research and provide scientists with new research and career opportunities. To ensure that your efforts to share your research with policymakers are … Read more
SC2.2Ideas and Resources for Teaching Climate Change Early career scientists Policy Public engagement Convener(s): Robin Matthews Co-Convener(s): Sarah Connors, Cheryl LB Manning, Jenny Schlüpmann Teaching a climate change course and looking for great resources? Doing climate outreach and want to be more engaging? Or simply aiming to broaden your knowledge and teaching of climate change? This short course explores ways of effectively teaching the key disciplinary and interdisciplinary concepts and skills related to the science and politics of our changing climate. Structured around the recent IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C, the course spans the interlinkages between climate science, climate impacts and … Read more
SC2.4How to increase the potential policy impact of your research Early career scientists Policy Convener(s): Nilay Dogulu Co-Convener(s): Milena Raykovska, Lene Topp Tue, 09 Apr, 14:00–15:45 Room -2.85 Research can have a beneficial impact on society. However, understanding and demonstrating the impact of your research often needs training and specific professional and personal skills. This short-course aims to introduce early career scientists to practices that can enhance their ability to use their knowledge to benefit society and thus to increase the potential policy impact of their research. At a more personal level, this can result in a higher level of personal satisfaction and increased opportunities at local, national … Read more
SC2.9Pitching your research to the press: the science of the press release Early career scientists Public engagement Convener(s): Anthea Lacchia Co-Convener(s): Bárbara Ferreira, Hazel Gibson, Fergus McAuliffe, Jane Qiu Tue, 09 Apr, 08:30–10:15 Room -2.16 Despite the emergence of many new forms of media, the press release remains one of the most important steps in getting your work featured in the media... This short course will cover the basics of writing a press release that will grab the attention of journalists, amidst their all-too-full inboxes. Together, we will look at how to craft your press release, finding the story within your work and the wider relevance of your science to society. The course will consist … Read more