PCN8Diversity & Equality Reception Early career scientists Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Convener(s): Claudia Alves de Jesus Rydin Co-Convener(s): Marie Bocher, Daniel Conley, Liviu Matenco, Holly Stein Tue, 09 Apr, 18:00–19:00 EGU booth Join the network to promote and support diversity and equality of opportunities in the geosciences. Read more
SC1.12Help! I'm presenting at a scientific conference Early career scientists Convener(s): Stephanie Zihms Co-Convener(s): Bárbara Ferreira, Roelof Rietbroek, Emma Smith Mon, 08 Apr, 14:00–15:45 Room -2.62 Presenting at a scientific conference can be daunting for early career scientist and established. How can you optimally take advantage of those 12 minutes to communicate your research effectively? How do you cope with nervousness? What happens if someone asks a question that you don’t think you can answer? Is your talk tailored to the audience? Giving a scientific talk is a really effective way to communicate your research to the wider community and it is something anyone can learn … Read more
SC1.19How to convene and chair a session at the General Assembly Early career scientists Convener(s): Stephanie Zihms Co-Convener(s): Raffaele Albano, Helen Glaves, Roelof Rietbroek Tue, 09 Apr, 08:30–10:15 Room -2.85 his session will discuss the ins & outs of convening or co-convening a session from proposing to a session, the promotion and abstract handling to the actual General Assembly. We will discuss what makes a good session abstract and what are your options. What happens are you suggest a session and what you can do to promote your session. Read more
SC1.31How to peer-review? Early career scientists Convener(s): Mathew Stiller-Reeve Co-Convener(s): Bronwyn Wake Mon, 08 Apr, 16:15–18:00 Room -2.85 How do you peer-review? Apparently you are just supposed to miraculously know. Many of us never receive formal training in peer review, yet our peer-reviews are the cornerstone of scientific legitimacy. Constructive, respectful, coherent reviews nurture dialogue and advance research. So, how can we review papers in an efficient way? In this course, we suggest a process to help ensure that we give the authors the most useful feedback? We will hear from peer-review experts about how they go about … Read more
SC1.38Make sense of the mess: How to keep your research project on track Early career scientists Convener(s): Luisa Cristini Co-Convener(s): Daniela Henkel, Sebastian Hettrich, Winfried Hoke, Sylvia Walter Wed, 10 Apr, 14:00–15:45 Room -2.16 Research projects can be very messy. They start from an idea which then becomes a proposal and (hopefully) turns into a funded project which needs to be implemented and reported to the funding agency. Somewhen along the project lifetime it’s easy to lose track of the tasks and then get buried in paperwork when reporting time comes, especially if you are an early-career scientist with little or no experience in project management. In this short course, experienced research project managers … Read more
SC1.52Open publishing with EGU Early career scientists Convener(s): Hubert H.G. Savenije Co-Convener(s): Katja Fennel, Ulrich Pöschl, Thies Martin Rasmussen Fri, 12 Apr, 10:45–12:30 Room -2.16 Publication in Open Access is gradually becoming the norm. EGU has been fostering Open Access journals since 2001. But our journals go beyond open access publication. We provide an Open Discussion Forum for open review, open discussion and transparent evaluation. We also foster the objective of open science, whereby all relevant data are shared openly with the community. This Short Course is meant for potential authors in the EGU journals to discuss the procedures and advantages of our open access … Read more
SC2.12Science for policy: How can scientists get involved in the policymaking process? Early career scientists Policy Convener(s): Chloe Hill Co-Convener(s): Bárbara Ferreira Mon, 08 Apr, 16:15–18:00 Room -2.31 Encompassing a large number of scientific disciplines, the geosciences play an important role in many policy decisions including, but not limited to, those relate to climate change, natural hazard management, energy security, space exploration, agriculture and ocean health. The information that geoscientists can give to policymakers is able to improve the policy making process, expand the impact of research and provide scientists with new research and career opportunities. To ensure that your efforts to share your research with policymakers are … Read more
SC2.2Ideas and Resources for Teaching Climate Change Early career scientists Policy Public engagement Convener(s): Robin Matthews Co-Convener(s): Sarah Connors, Cheryl LB Manning, Jenny Schlüpmann Teaching a climate change course and looking for great resources? Doing climate outreach and want to be more engaging? Or simply aiming to broaden your knowledge and teaching of climate change? This short course explores ways of effectively teaching the key disciplinary and interdisciplinary concepts and skills related to the science and politics of our changing climate. Structured around the recent IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C, the course spans the interlinkages between climate science, climate impacts and … Read more
SC2.4How to increase the potential policy impact of your research Early career scientists Policy Convener(s): Nilay Dogulu Co-Convener(s): Milena Raykovska, Lene Topp Tue, 09 Apr, 14:00–15:45 Room -2.85 Research can have a beneficial impact on society. However, understanding and demonstrating the impact of your research often needs training and specific professional and personal skills. This short-course aims to introduce early career scientists to practices that can enhance their ability to use their knowledge to benefit society and thus to increase the potential policy impact of their research. At a more personal level, this can result in a higher level of personal satisfaction and increased opportunities at local, national … Read more
SC2.9Pitching your research to the press: the science of the press release Early career scientists Public engagement Convener(s): Anthea Lacchia Co-Convener(s): Bárbara Ferreira, Hazel Gibson, Fergus McAuliffe, Jane Qiu Tue, 09 Apr, 08:30–10:15 Room -2.16 Despite the emergence of many new forms of media, the press release remains one of the most important steps in getting your work featured in the media... This short course will cover the basics of writing a press release that will grab the attention of journalists, amidst their all-too-full inboxes. Together, we will look at how to craft your press release, finding the story within your work and the wider relevance of your science to society. The course will consist … Read more
SC3.10How to apply for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grants Individual Fellowship and European Training Network Early career scientists Convener(s): Jannick Ingrin Co-Convener(s): Daniela Henkel, José Alberto Padrón-Navarta, Sylvia Walter Wed, 10 Apr, 12:45–13:45 Room 0.14 Applying for Marie Skłodowska-Curie grants is highly competitive. So applicants have to be well prepared and highly motivated to compile a convincing proposal. The aim of this short course is to provide general information about the funding schemes and evaluation processes, recommendations and tips to future applicants. The workshop will include: - General presentation of the MSCA calls - Individual Fellowships: This part of the workshop will give an introduction and background information of the program and the evaluation process … Read more
SC3.12Academia is not the only route: exploring career options for Earth scientists Early career scientists Convener(s): Olivia Trani Co-Convener(s): Bárbara Ferreira Thu, 11 Apr, 10:45–12:30 Room -2.16 While many enjoy working in an academic environment, scientific skills are valued in other job sectors and an increasing number of scientists pursue careers outside of academia. However, navigating different job opportunities and transitioning to new career paths can be difficult, especially for researchers who are not given enough opportunities to develop their transferable skills. In this workshop, a repeat of the popular 2018 course, a panel of current and former geoscientists will share their experiences and discuss career opportunities … Read more
SC3.14Everything you wanted to know about AWARDS (but were afraid to ask!) Early career scientists Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Convener(s): Lisa Wingate Co-Convener(s): Claudia Alves de Jesus Rydin, Fabrizio Storti Wed, 10 Apr, 08:30–10:15 Room -2.16 Within the geosciences there are a number of prestigious award and medal programmes that recognise the scholarly contributions of scientists in their research field. Recognition by the research community and general public can boost the self-confidence and self-identity of scientists as well as creating role models for present and future generations of geoscientists. Furthermore, awards can lead to further positive recognition in the form of tenure, promotion or grant application and thus can significantly boost the recipient’s career trajectory. This … Read more
SC3.16How to find funding and write a research grant Early career scientists Convener(s): Fernando Iglesias-Suarez Co-Convener(s): Steffen A. Schweizer, Steffen Seitz, Jenny Turton Tue, 09 Apr, 10:45–12:30 Room -2.16 Drafting your first grant proposal can be daunting. Grant writing improves with experience, so how do early career scientists compete on equal footing with those who are more established? In this short course, a panel of scientists will share their experience applying to different funding bodies (national and international research grants, such as NERC (UK) and DFG (German)). Gain insight and (even better) inspiration by discussing with the panel the bits and pieces you may struggle with when writing a … Read more
SC3.17Career development across borders: how to thrive as a migrating scientist (co-sponsored by AGU) Early career scientists Convener(s): Olivia Trani Co-Convener(s): Alena Ebinghaus, Erik Hankin Thu, 11 Apr, 16:15–18:00 Room -2.16 Many scientists around the world travel to different countries and across oceans to pursue exciting graduate programmes and research positions. Relocating for work can offer many opportunities to advance your research and develop your career; however working across borders can present many challenges to scientists, from securing visas to navigating new cultural environments to losing their professional network of peers. In this short course, a panel of geoscientists who have migrated to advance their careers will share their experiences, discuss … Read more
SC3.18Making your PhD aspirations a reality! Early career scientists Convener(s): Helen Glaves Fri, 12 Apr, 14:00–15:45 Room -2.85 Are you planning to do your PhD in the Geosciences? Are you currently preparing a PhD proposal and looking to get feedback from the wider community? Are you already a PhD candidate wanting to share your experiences, or perhaps looking for some new ideas from fellow PhD students? This short course aims to provide room for discussion of PhD proposals and related issues/questions. We are planning to have six slots for potential and current PhD students to present their research … Read more
SC3.19How to make the most of your PhD or postdoc experience for getting your next job in academia Early career scientists Convener(s): Giovanni Mastrolonardo Co-Convener(s): Cathelijne Stoof, Peter Vermeulen Tue, 09 Apr, 16:15–18:00 Room -2.85 You are working towards you PhD degree, and you know you want to stay in academia. Or you have just completed your doctorate and you are seeking a new job whatever and wherever it will be. But you are asking yourself how to increase your chances? Apart from having a good research record, on what grounds are people hired, what qualifications does one need to have to get hired, and how can you develop a strategy that fits with your … Read more
SC3.2Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe: navigating EU funding schemes Early career scientists Convener(s): Chloe Hill Co-Convener(s): Olivia Trani Tue, 09 Apr, 16:15–18:00 Room -2.16 Horizon 2020 is allocating almost €80 billion to research and innovation over 7 years (from 2014 to 2020). This money is distributed throughout various scientific divisions and provides a plethora of opportunities for scientists, not only within the EU but also throughout the world. The magnitude of the Horizon 2020 Programme can, however, make the potential opportunities and openings offered to scientists, difficult to navigate. This short course will highlight some of the EU funding opportunities offered to scientists at … Read more
SC3.21Peer-support networks – the key to building great researcher communities? Early career scientists Convener(s): Stephanie Zihms Co-Convener(s): Olivia Trani Wed, 10 Apr, 16:15–18:00 Room -2.16 In this short course we will hear from people that have built peer-support networks at different levels – from university level postdoc forum to a global early career scientist (ECS) network like the EGU ECS representatives. We will share best practices and tips and tricks how to get started with your own network – no matter how big or small. Read more
SC3.6How to navigate the EGU: tips and tricks Early career scientists Convener(s): Katrin Bentel Co-Convener(s): Raffaele Albano, Anouk Beniest, Mathis Bloßfeld Mon, 08 Apr, 08:30–10:15 Room -2.16 Are you unsure about how to bring order in the extensive program of the General Assembly? Are you wondering how to tackle this week of science? Are you curious about what EGU and the General Assembly have to offer? Then this is the short course for you! In one hour we will provide you with tips and tricks on how to handle this large conference and how to make the most out of your week at this year's General Assembly. … Read more
TM1Free your science: How preprints can change the way we do science Early career scientists Convener(s): Friedrich Hawemann Co-Convener(s): David Fernández-Blanco, Christopher Jackson, Daniel Nüst Tue, 09 Apr, 19:00–20:00 Room -2.85 Preprints and preprint servers have been proven to revolutionise and disrupt the standard approaches to scholarly publishing in many disciplines. Yet, the concept of preprints is new to many researchers in Earth Sciences. In this townhall we will introduce the general concepts of preprints and preprint servers and their benefits for the researcher, illustrating this with a demonstration of EarthArXiv, a community-led preprint server. The general introduction will be followed by an interactive discussion on preprints, the exchange of experiences … Read more
GDB3The Early Career Scientists' Great Debate: Should early career scientists use time developing transferrable skills? Early career scientists Convener(s): Sam Illingworth Co-Convener(s): Mathew Stiller-Reeve, Bárbara Ferreira Tue, 10 Apr, 19:00–20:30 / Room E1 Continuing with the success of last year’s Early Career Scientist (ECS) Great Debate, this session aims to give a more prominent voice to more EGU ECS members on important research-related issues. During this Great Debate, participants will be invited to join a round-table discussion where everyone will be given the opportunity to discuss the chosen topic with other conference attendees. The topic of this year’s ECS Great Debate is: “Should early career scientists use time developing transferrable skills?’ By the … Read more
PCN7EGU Early Career Scientists' Forum Early career scientists Convener(s): Stephanie Zihms, Roelof Rietbroek Co-Convener(s): Olivia Trani Thu, 12 Apr, 12:15–13:15 / Room N2 Are you an early career scientist at the General Assembly? Come along and meet your early career scientist representatives, find out what the EGU does for early career scientist and take the chance to become more involved in the Union. This forum is a great opportunity to let us know what you would like from the EGU, find out how you can get involved in the Assembly and meet other scientists in the EGU early career scientist community. NOTE: EGU … Read more
SC1.23Seismology for non-seismologists Early career scientists Convener(s): Koen Van Noten Co-Convener(s): Iris van Zelst, Nienke Blom, Laura Ermert, Eva Eibl, Michaela Wenner, Thomas Lecocq, Matthew Agius, Laura Parisi, Lucia Gualtieri Mon, 09 Apr, 13:30–15:00 / Room -2.91 How do seismologists detect earthquakes? How do we locate them? Is seismology only about earthquakes? Seismology has been integrated into a wide variety of geo-disciplines to be complementary to many fields such as tectonics, geology, geodynamics, volcanology, hydrology, glaciology and planetology. In this short course, dedicated to non-seismologists and particularly to early career scientists, an introduction to the basic concepts and methods in seismology will be presented. An overview will be given on various methods and processing techniques, which are … Read more
SC2.1How to navigate the EGU: tips and tricks Early career scientists Convener(s): Anouk Beniest Co-Convener(s): Adina E. Pusok, Stephanie Zihms, Katrin Bentel, Igor Paz Mon, 09 Apr, 08:30–10:00 / Room -2.91 Are you confused about how to bring order in the extensive program of the General Assembly? Are you not sure how to tackle this week of science? Are you curious about what EGU and the General Assembly have to offer? Then this is the short course for you! In one hour we will provide you with tips and tricks on how to survive this large conference and how to make the most out of your week at this year's General … Read more
SC2.10How to get involved in global efforts to sustain soil and land Early career scientists Convener(s): Steffen A. Schweizer Co-Convener(s): Chloe Hill, Taru Sandén, Christian Schneider Wed, 11 Apr, 13:30–15:00 / Room -2.31 The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 ‘Life on Land’ aims to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. The High-level Political Forum (HLPF) of the United Nations (UN) reviews, coordinates, and decides on the future of SDG 15 in 2018. The SDGs are spearheaded by the United Nations involving its Member States and civil society around the globe. The contribution of science to … Read more
SC2.15/CL6.03/CR8.12Communicating geoscience to the media (co-organized) Early career scientists Convener(s): Bárbara Ferreira Co-Convener(s): Arindan Mandal, Laura Helene Rasmussen, Célia Julia Sapart Tue, 10 Apr, 15:30–17:00 / Room -2.31 The news media is a powerful tool to help scientists communicate their research to wider audiences. However, at times, messages in news reports do not properly reflect the real scientific facts and discoveries, resulting in misleading coverage and wary scientists. This is especially problematic in fields such as climate science, where climate skeptics can twist the research results to draw conclusions that are not there. A way scientists have to prevent misleading or even inaccurate coverage is to improve the … Read more
SC2.18/NH10.2Serious games for Natural Hazards: understand the different roles in natural hazard prevention and management through a simple exercise (co-organized) Early career scientists Convener(s): Valeria Cigala Co-Convener(s): Raffaele Albano, Graziella Devoli, Jonathan Rizzi, Giulia Roder Orals / Wed, 11 Apr, 10:30–12:00 / Room -2.91 One of the biggest challenges for scientists working in natural hazard prevention and management is to communicate the right knowledge and the related uncertainty to stakeholders and population at risk. It is often emphasized that scientists should learn and use a more popular language to disseminate their knowledge and their messages, and many efforts have been recently done for this purpose. However, all components of the society - not just scientists - have to play a role and have a … Read more
SC2.2Help! I'm presenting at a scientific conference! Early career scientists Convener(s): Roelof Rietbroek Co-Convener(s): Bárbara Ferreira, Jens Klump, Lena Noack, Emma Smith, Igor Paz Mon, 09 Apr, 13:30–15:00 / Room -2.16 Presenting at a scientific conference can be daunting for early career scientist and established. How can you optimally take advantage of those 12 minutes to communicate your research effectively? How do you cope with nervousness? What happens if someone asks a question that you don’t think you can answer? Is your talk tailored to the audience? Giving a scientific talk is a really effective way to communicate your research to the wider community and it is something anyone can learn … Read more
SC2.8Science for Policy: What is it and how can scientists become involved in policy processes? Early career scientists Convener(s): Chloe Hill Thu, 12 Apr, 13:30–15:00 / Room -2.91 Communicating your research with policymakers can not only improve the policy making process but also expand the impact of your scientific research and provide you with new research and career opportunities. To ensure that your efforts to share your research with policymakers are effective, it is important to know when and how to communicate before engaging with science for policy. Part 1: will focus on basic science for policy and communication techniques that can be used to engage policymakers. It … Read more
SC3.1How to convene a session at EGU's General Assembly Early career scientists Convener(s): Stephanie Zihms Co-Convener(s): Helen Glaves, Roelof Rietbroek Tue, 10 Apr, 13:30–15:00 / Room -2.85 This session will discuss the ins & outs of convening or co-convening a session from proposing to a session, the promotion and abstract handling to the actual General Assembly. We will discuss what makes a good session abstract and what are your options. What happens are you suggest a session and what you can do to promote your session. Read more
SC3.11Unconscious bias Early career scientists Convener(s): Claudia Alves de Jesus Rydin Co-Convener(s): Alberto Montanari, Marie Bocher, David Gallego Torres Tue, 10 Apr, 10:30–12:00 / Room -2.91 The goal of the short course is to increase awareness of the impact of gender unconscious bias and provide tools to facilitate equitable decision-making across a range of processes. In this short course you will be presented with various situations where gender imbalance may occur and you will be invited to interactively discuss concrete actions to change this reality. The situations presented will range from formal/institutional (e.g. recruitment and evaluation committees) to informal/individual (e.g. daily-life choices or actions). The short … Read more
SC3.12How to find funding and write a research grant Early career scientists Convener(s): Stephanie Zihms, Olivia Trani Thu, 12 Apr, 13:30–15:00 / Room -2.16 Drafting your first grant proposal can be daunting. Grant writing improves with experience, so how do early career scientists compete on equal footing with those who are more established? In this short course, scientists will give tips for success when trying to secure those first (usually small) research grants. NOTE - this course has a broader scope than the more specific ERC and Marie Curie short courses. This course gives broad tips and hints on how to write a successful … Read more
SC3.19/NH10.3Speed-dating: Research-match making (co-organized) Early career scientists Convener(s): Giulia Roder Co-Convener(s): Raffaele Albano, Luigi Lombardo, Jonathan Rizzi Mon, 09 Apr, 15:30–17:00 / Room -2.31 This Short Course is a quick-fire and sociable way to talk about your research! It allows many Natural Hazards Early Career Scientists to come together to discuss their research interests and find others with similar interests or with ideas and experiences they can draw on. It is particularly useful in allowing researchers to share ideas and build connections through which future research collaborations can be developed, or to identify and solve specific problems they are addressing in their research or … Read more
SC3.20Meet the editors of ACP, BG and CP Early career scientists Convener(s): Sam Illingworth Thu, 12 Apr, 10:30–12:00 / Room -2.16 The first encounter with the review process can be a disheartening experience: Laborious, time-consuming and unfulfilling. Unfortunately, there is no way around it: if you want a career in research, you need to publish in peer-reviewed journals. This means responding to reviews of your own work and reviewing the work of other scientists. In this short course you will get the chance to learn how to navigate the review process, and you will also get to meet the chief executive … Read more
SC3.21Meet the editors of ADGEO, ESD, ESurf, and SE Early career scientists Convener(s): Sam Illingworth Thu, 12 Apr, 08:30–10:00 / Room -2.16 The first encounter with the review process can be a disheartening experience: Laborious, time-consuming and unfulfilling. Unfortunately, there is no way around it: if you want a career in research, you need to publish in peer-reviewed journals. This means responding to reviews of your own work and reviewing the work of other scientists. In this short course you will get the chance to learn how to navigate the review process, and you will also get to meet the chief executive … Read more
SC3.4/CL6.05/CR8.10/OS6.3Polar science career panel (EGU Cryosphere and APECS) (co-organized) Early career scientists Convener(s): Clara Burgard Co-Convener(s): Emma Smith, Sonika Shahi Tue, 10 Apr, 12:15–13:15 / Room -2.85 Are you an early career scientist coming to EGU looking for inspiration to take the next step in your career? Are you feeling a little lost with all the opportunities both academic and elsewhere? Then this short course is for you! Join us for a panel discussion about everything to do with life post-polar-PhD and expand your ideas about where you might go next. Our five expert panelists come from a wide range of backgrounds, from various stages of academia … Read more
SC3.5Academia is not the only route: exploring alternative career options for Earth scientists Early career scientists Convener(s): Olivia Trani Co-Convener(s): Bárbara Ferreira Thu, 12 Apr, 15:30–17:00 / Room -2.16 With more PhD and post-doc positions than there are tenured posts, landing a permanent job in academia is increasingly challenging. For some the prospect of many years of funding and position uncertainty, coupled with having to relocate regularly is an unwelcome prospect. The skills acquired by those striving for an academic career are valued in other job sectors. In this workshop, a repeat of the popular 2017 course, a panel of current and former geoscientists will discuss career opportunities for … Read more
SC3.8How do you peer-review? Early career scientists Convener(s): Mathew Stiller-Reeve Wed, 11 Apr, 10:30–12:00 / Room -2.85 How do you peer-review? Apparently you are just supposed to miraculously know. Many of us never receive formal training in peer review, yet our peer-reviews are the cornerstone of scientific legitimacy. Constructive, respectful, coherent reviews nurture dialogue and advance research. So, how can we review papers in an efficient way? Are there techniques that could make the process more efficient and ensure that we give the authors the most useful feedback? In this short course, we will hear from peer-review … Read more
SC3.9Scientific publishing, science integrity and work ethics: short-course on the scientific method and our modern work environment Early career scientists Convener(s): Sebastian Doetterl Co-Convener(s): Carsten W. Mueller, Taru Sandén, Jörg Schnecker, Cordula Vogel, Steffen A. Schweizer, Annegret Larsen Fri, 13 Apr, 08:30–12:00 / Room -2.91 Outline: Why is the Peer Review process so important and how does it work in practice? How should we act as scientists in the current working environment? How should we behave and conduct our scientific work and what ethical guidelines should we follow? These topics will be addressed by three invited speakers in this short-course. Each speaker will give a lead presentation followed by an open discussion and response section on the general concepts of ethical working and writing in … Read more
SMP48Gender equality in the geosciences: enough talk, let us plan the future actions! Early career scientists Convener(s): Alberto Montanari Wed, 11 Apr, 10:30–12:00 / Room 2.83 For some years now several initiatives have been taken place to discuss gender equality issues in the geosciences. Now we want raise these discussion to the next level and define what the next moves should be. Read more
TM14Industry Career opportunities for early career scientists Early career scientists Convener(s): Isabel Fernandez Mon, 09 Apr, 19:00–20:00 / Room L8 The topics to be addressed among the abovementioned with the proposed Townhall meeting are: 1. How to transit from academia to industry; 2. Obtaining a professional title: why the industry asks geologists for one; 3. Why the industry demands qualifications, experience and ethics (from professional geologists); 4. Periodical renewal of professional qualifications titles. Geoscience is an exciting field of practical sciences as it offers a plethora of working possibilities, for most of us outside the academic community. Many young geologists … Read more
US1Past achievements and future challenges for the Geosciences (co-sponsored by AGU) Early career scientists Convener(s): Jonathan Bamber Tue, 10 Apr, 09:00–12:00 / Room E1 The geosciences are more critical to the well being and prosperity of the human race than ever. At a time when the tension between resource exploitation and sustainable growth is at its most acute and the need for energy, water, food and climate security are paramount, the geosciences will play a central role in guiding future development and growth. In 2018, the American Geophysical Union, will also begin celebrating their centenary during a period of exciting opportunities but also considerable … Read more
US5Scientific research in a changing European Union: where we stand and what we aim for? Early career scientists Convener(s): Francesca Pianosi Co-Convener(s): Elena Toth, Chloe Hill Fri, 13 Apr, 08:30–10:00 / Room E1 As academics, we belong to a professional sector that often relies on cross-border programmes, communication and mobility. Furthermore, research generally benefits far more from collaboration and openness than competition and seclusion. For these reasons, the EU is primary perceived to have a positive influence that is beneficial to researchers. However, over the last few years, trust in the EU has been decreasing with growing support for Eurosceptic political parties who challenge European Union policies. In parallel, a relatively low rate … Read more