GDB8Move or perish: What needs to change in academic mobility? Early career scientists Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy Convener(s): Öykü Koç Co-Convener(s): David Fernández-Blanco, Simon Clark, Liliana Macotela, Christina Anna Orieschnig Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) The academic landscape consistently emphasizes the importance of mobility. Researchers, particularly those in the early stage of their careers, undergo increasing pressures as international mobility becomes a key requirement for securing academic positions. Academic mobility fosters global collaboration, enriches research perspectives, and increases the productivity of the individual and the research group, thereby accelerating innovation, but it comes with a myriad of challenges; particularly for academics in relationships (whether with other academics or partners pursuing different career paths), third-country nationals, … Read more
SC1.1/GM13.1/PS8.1How to navigate EGU: tips and tricks Early career scientists Convener(s): David Fernández-Blanco Co-Convener(s): Sigrid van Grinsven, Daniel Evans, Christina Anna Orieschnig, Simon Clark Mon, 15 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) Are you unsure about how to bring order in the extensive program of the General Assembly? Are you wondering how to tackle this week of science? Are you curious about what EGU and the General Assembly have to offer? Then this is the short course for you! During this course, we will provide you with tips and tricks on how to handle this large conference and how to make the most out of your week at this year's General Assembly. … Read more
SC1.2/GM13.2/PS8.7How to get involved with EGU Early career scientists Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy Convener(s): David Fernández-Blanco Co-Convener(s): Daniel Evans, Nazimul Islam, Sigrid van Grinsven, Christina Anna Orieschnig Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is the largest Geosciences Union in Europe, largely run by volunteers. Conferences, journals, policy making and scientific communication are all important parts of EGU. Whatever your closest link with EGU, would you like to get more involved? Perhaps you are interested in running events, being a representative or being part of a committee. In this short course, we will provide an overview of all the activities of EGU, which are much more than just the … Read more
SC3.2/GM13.14/NH12.4/PS8.11Elevate your Pitch: Developing Engaging Short Scientific Presentations Early career scientists Convener(s): Antara Dasgupta Co-Convener(s): Florian Pappenberger, Christopher Skinner, Louise Arnal, Hazel Gibson Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) The scientific communication landscape in the digital era is rapidly becoming all about effectively delivering ideas in brief. As scientific conferences move from longer physical meetings to more condensed hybrid formats, not only are short presentations necessary for pitching yourself to senior scientists or your next entrepreneurial venture to Venture Capitalists, but also for promoting your research. The opportunities of networking rarely reveal themselves, unless you are able to tell a brief, informative, and compelling story about you and your … Read more
SC3.3/GM13.15Scared of giving presentations to a (geo-)scientific audience? Early career scientists Convener(s): Öykü Koç Co-Convener(s): Saioa A. Campuzano, Selina Kiefer, Eleanna Asvestari, Anita Di Chiara Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) Room -2.85/86 Finally, the time has come to present your scientific work, maybe at a big conference like the EGU General Assembly. Congratulations, you made it! It is a great opportunity to gain more experience in how to summarise your work and talk to a scientific audience. Especially if you are an early-career-scientist, you will get some visibility and some feedback on your research! But instead of being super happy, you feel fear? Fear of giving a presentation? We are here to … Read more
SC4.10/GM13.28Transdisciplinary research: how to learn from each other while fostering specific expertise Early career scientists Convener(s): Maria Vittoria Gargiulo Co-Convener(s): Gaetano Pecoraro Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) How to learn and get the key info when listening to the report of a colleague who works on something completely different from you but on the same project? How to deliver your report so that everyone understands you? How to find common ground for joint research which will impact both the project and your career? Trans-disciplinarity and cross-fertilisation are key aspects of many research projects, especially when dealing with natural hazards. To study the natural phenomenon and evaluating hazard … Read more
SC4.11/GM13.29Transferable skills: what are they and do I have them? Early career scientists Convener(s): David Fernández-Blanco Co-Convener(s): Lu Zhou, Meriel J. Bittner, Veronica Escobar-Ruiz, Simon Clark Fri, 19 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST) Anyone entering the job market or looking for a new job after academia will confront the phrase ‘transferable skills’. PhD candidates and scientists are advised to highlight their transferable skills when applying for non-academic jobs, but it can be hard to know what these skills are. Similarly, for those looking to change scientific research areas or take a leap into a new field for their PhD, it is important to highlight your transferable skills. Big data analysis, communicating your findings, … Read more
SC4.5/GM13.23/PS8.6Careers inside and outside of academia: Panel Discussion Early career scientists Convener(s): Veronica Peverelli Co-Convener(s): Jenny Turton, Anouk Beniest, Gökben Demir, Simon Clark Thu, 18 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST) After the PhD, a new challenge begins: finding a position where you can continue your research or a job outside academia where you can apply your advanced skills. This task is not always easy, and frequently a general overview of the available positions is missing. Furthermore, in some divisions, up to 70% of PhD graduates will go into work outside of academia. There are many different careers which require or benefit from a research background. But often, students and early … Read more
SC4.6/GM13.24/PS8.5Satisfaction, salary and value: how and when to negotiate your employment conditions Early career scientists Convener(s): Hazel Gibson Co-Convener(s): Simon Clark, Veronica Peverelli Thu, 18 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) Going through a career transition (such as moving into or out of a formal research environment) can be a challenge that many people feel underprepared for. Being able to consider the value of a position in its entirety, beyond salary, is an important skill that can be difficult to master until you have had some practical experience. Many elements beyond salary may fall into the category of employment conditions, including: flexible working hours and conditions; contracted hours; location; workplace culture … Read more
SC4.7/GM13.25/PS8.4How to establish and grow your scientific network Early career scientists Convener(s): Simona Gabrielli Co-Convener(s): Öykü Koç, Rebekka Steffen, Giulia Consuma, Megan Holdt Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST) Networking is crucial for scientists of all career stages for collaborations as well as for their personal growth and career pathways. Your scientific network can offer valuable support in navigating the challenges of academic life, aiding in career decisions, and providing constructive input on job applications, proposals, and research papers. Not only that but also, a scientific network can offer fresh insights, open doors to interdisciplinary partnerships, and spark innovative projects. Establishing an initial network can prove daunting, particularly when … Read more
SC4.8/GM13.26/NH12.7/PS8.3Meet the editors (1): how to write and revise your manuscript Early career scientists Convener(s): Faranak Tootoonchi Co-Convener(s): Aayush Srivastava, Romano Clementucci, Christina Anna Orieschnig, Kirsten M Florentine Weber Mon, 15 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST) Preparing a manuscript for submission to a scientific journal can be a challenging task for many scientists. However, it's crucial to recognize that scientific writing is an indispensable component of the research process. In fact, the manner in which results are presented is often just as significant as the results themselves. Crafting a scientific paper is a skill that can be cultivated over time and progressively advances with practice. This concise course aims to provide early career scientists with straightforward … Read more
SC6.9/ESSI6.18/GM13.41/HS11.11/NH12.16DataViz: Visualise your data effectively and avoid common pitfalls Early career scientists Public engagement Convener(s): Edoardo Martini Co-Convener(s): Paola Mazzoglio, Epari Ritesh Patro, Roshanak Tootoonchi, Debasish Mishra Fri, 19 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) Visualisation of scientific data is an integral part of scientific understanding and communication. Scientists have to make decisions about the most effective way to communicate their results everyday. How do we best visualise the data to understand it ourselves? How do we best visualise our results to communicate with others? Common pitfalls can be overcrowding, overcomplicated or suboptimal plot types or inaccessible colour schemes. Scientists may also get overwhelmed by the graphics requirements of different publishers, for presentations, posters, etc. … Read more
US2Climate emergency, human agency: making sense of the current state of scientific knowledge on climate change to strengthen climate literacy Early career scientists Policy Convener(s): Carlo Laj, Jean Luc Berenguer Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST) Climate science now unequivocally states that human activities have caused the global warming that is observed to date. This state of knowledge builds on centuries of scientific advances in the understanding of the climate system, from multiple lines of evidence - observations, theory, process understanding, and numerical modelling. This presentation will build on key findings from the Sixth Assessment Cycle of the Intergovernemental Panel on Climate Change, and place the current scientific understanding in this context of climate science history, … Read more
GDB3The Science activist: should science get Political? Early career scientists Policy Convener(s): Kirsten v. Elverfeldt Co-Convener(s): Viktor J. Bruckman, Simon Clark, Christina West Tue, 25 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) Room E1 Proponents of collaboration between scientific experts with advocacy and activist groups point towards the inextricable bonds between science and politics, where neither exist in a vacuum and silence only perpetuates the problems research seeks to resolve. Opponents cite the threat to integrity: scientists associated with or engaging in activism risk producing an image of science as a political group rather than a dispassionate process of knowledge generation. Such an image may erode public trust and risk political retaliation through funding … Read more
GDB4Scientific Neocolonialism: tools and mechanisms to advocate and amplify the voices, knowledge and recognition of local knowledge in geoscience research Early career scientists Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy Convener(s): Robyn Pickering Co-Convener(s): Anouk Beniest, Barbara Ervens, Giuliana Panieri, Loyuá Costa Thu, 27 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) Room E1 Following on from the success of the 2022 EGU EDI Union Symposium 'Scientific Neocolonialism: What is it and why should you care?', the EGU would like to expand the conversation surrounding this important topic. In particular, the aim of this Great Debate is to hear from people that have experienced neocolonialism in science, acknowledge the issues, explore solutions that our scientific community and the EGU can implement to raise awareness, and discuss examples to eliminate neocolonialism from our geoscience ecosystem. … Read more
GDB5Is social media outreach? Early career scientists Public engagement Convener(s): Jenny Turton Co-Convener(s): Simon Clark, Nazimul Islam Mon, 24 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) Room E1 Is social media a worthwhile vector for communicating science and reaching non-expert audiences? Proponents of social media highlight its ability for bringing otherwise inaccessible research to a global network, spreading research to new audiences whilst cultivating a following. The public can be updated with discoveries in real-time, without the potentially modifying lens of traditional media. And with content under the control of individuals or small groups communicators can flex and nurture their creativity. But communicating through social media often requires … Read more
SC1.1/GM12.1/PS9.2How to navigate EGU: tips and tricks Early career scientists Convener(s): Jenny Turton Co-Convener(s): Anouk Beniest, Anita Di Chiara, Simon Clark, David Fernández-Blanco Enter live sessionMon, 24 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)|Pre-recorded Are you unsure about how to bring order in the extensive program of the General Assembly? Are you wondering how to tackle this week of science? Are you curious about what EGU and the General Assembly have to offer? Then this is the short course for you! During this course, we will provide you with tips and tricks on how to handle this large conference and how to make the most out of your week at this year's General Assembly. … Read more
SC1.2/GM12.2/PS9.3How to get involved with EGU Early career scientists Convener(s): Jenny Turton Co-Convener(s): David Fernández-Blanco, Nazimul Islam, Giuliana Panieri Enter live sessionMon, 24 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)|Pre-recorded The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is the largest Geosciences Union in Europe, largely run by volunteers. Conferences, journals, policy making and scientific communication are all important parts of EGU. Whatever your closest link with EGU, would you like to get more involved? Perhaps you are interested in running events, being a representative or being part of a committee. In this short course, we will provide an overview of all the activities of EGU, which are much more than just the … Read more
SC1.3The LGBT Pride group at EGU: Current progress and challenges for LGBT people in the Earth system sciences Early career scientists Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Convener(s): Hannah Sophia Davies Co-Convener(s): Katinka Bellomo, Anita Di Chiara Mon, 24 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) Room -2.85/86 LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersexual, Asexual, plus; or LGBT for short) geoscientists are likely to have to face several obstacles throughout their career compared to their cisgender/heterosexual colleagues. These obstacles can take many forms, e.g., inflexible bureaucratic limits on name/gender marker changes on documentation, a lack of training for cruise/field leaders on LGBT topics, a lack of support for transgender and gender non-conforming (GNC) people on field trips and research cruises, and safety and medical considerations LGBT people … Read more
SC2.2/GM12.4Transferable skills: what are they and do I have them? Early career scientists Convener(s): Jenny Turton Co-Convener(s): David Fernández-Blanco Tue, 25 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST) Room -2.61/62 For anyone entering the job market or looking for a new job, you will hear the phrase ‘transferable skills’. PhD candidates and scientists are advised to highlight their transferable skills when applying for non-academic jobs, but it can be hard to know what these skills are. Similarly, for those looking to change scientific research areas or take a leap into a new field for their PhD, it is important to highlight your transferable skills. Big data analysis, communicating your findings, … Read more
SC2.3/GM12.5/NH12.2/OS5.8/PS9.5How to build and grow your scientific network Early career scientists Convener(s): Andreas Kvas Co-Convener(s): Megan Holdt Mon, 24 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) Room 0.96/97 Networking is crucial for scientists of all career stages for collaborations as well as for their personal growth and career pathways. Your scientific network can support you when struggling with everyday academic life, help with making career choices and give feedback on job applications/proposals/papers. Further, having a scientific network can provide new perspectives and opportunities for your research while leading to interdisciplinary collaborations and new projects. Building up an initial network can be challenging, especially outside of your research institution. … Read more
SC2.6/GM12.7/NH12.4Mind your head: Life-Work-Balance - What does it mean? Early career scientists Convener(s): Saioa A. Campuzano Co-Convener(s): Rebekka Steffen, Anita Di Chiara, Silvia De Angeli, Selina Kiefer Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) Room -2.61/62 Life-work-balance or more commonly known as work-life-balance is a synonym for working conditions where you also have enough spare time to enjoy your life. But, is it that easy? And what is more important in case of overlap: the “life” or the “work”? In this short course, we discuss life-work-balance and its meaning in different countries within academia. Is every country, every institution treating life-work-balance the same way? How do they differ? What are the measures already in place? We … Read more
SC2.8/CR8.1/GM12.9/GMPV11.1/NH12.6/TS14.2Careers inside and outside of academia: Panel Discussion Early career scientists Convener(s): Francesco Giuntoli Co-Convener(s): Jenny Turton, Anouk Beniest, Gökben Demir Mon, 24 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST) Room -2.61/62 After the PhD, a new challenge begins: finding a position where you can continue your research or a job outside academia where you can apply your advanced skills. This task is not always easy, and frequently a general overview of the available positions is missing. Furthermore, in some divisions, up to 70% of PhD graduates will go into work outside of academia. There are many different careers which require or benefit from a research background. But often, students and early … Read more
SC3.18Non-academic stakeholders and sectors: who are they, why should we care and how do we engage with them? Early career scientists Policy Public engagement Convener(s): David Fernández-Blanco Co-Convener(s): Jenny Turton Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST) Room -2.61/62 Research institutes, universities, and academic societies are key agents of economic and social progress. The research that they undertake should inform critical decisions leading to the advancement of society and the solution to local and global issues, such as the usage of natural resources, resilience to geohazard impacts, climate change mitigation actions, and other societal challenges that shape our future. Knowing how to generate effective and efficient interactions with stakeholders is also essential for career advancement; it helps promote the … Read more
SC3.3/EOS1.8/CR8.11/GD11.6/GM12.14/GMPV11.2/NH12.11/OS5.11/PS9.8/SSP5.3Outreach: how to get your science out there? Early career scientists Public engagement Convener(s): Giulia Consuma Co-Convener(s): Silvia De Angeli, David Fernández-Blanco, Negar Vakilifard Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) Room -2.61/62 The work of scientists does not end with publishing their results in peer-reviewed journals and presenting them at specialized conferences. In fact, one could argue that the work of a scientist only starts at this point: outreach. What does science outreach mean? Very simply, it means to engage with the wider (non-scientific) public about science. The way of doing outreach has radically changed in the last decades, and scientists can now take advantage of many channels and resources to tailor … Read more
SC3.4/GM12.15/NH12.12/PS9.14Mind your Head: Scared of giving presentations? Early career scientists Public engagement Convener(s): Janina J. Nett Co-Convener(s): Anita Di Chiara, Saioa A. Campuzano, Rebekka Steffen, Maxime Grandin Mon, 24 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) Room -2.61/62 Giving presentations of our work or a lecture in front of an audience is an intrinsic part of any stage of the academic career and beyond. Giving a presentation can be stressful, in terms of preparation and delivery, and it can be scary, in terms of standing in front of an audience with the focus on your presentation. This uncomfortable feeling can reach points where it may hinder your possibilities, it can turn into ‘stage fright’ or even be a … Read more
SPM41Copernicus Publications meets ECS: what to keep, drop, improve in OA publishing? Early career scientists Convener(s): Johannes Wagner Co-Convener(s): Thies Martin Rasmussen Fri, 28 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) Room 2.97 Copernicus Publications as the publisher of all EGU journals would like to invite Early Career Scientists (ECS) across all disciplines to engage in an active discussion about needs and wishes of ECS in academic OA publishing. We want to hear your ideas and thoughts about what to keep, what to drop, what to improve in our publishing workflows or journal policies. Copernicus Publications aims to engage in an eye to eye exchange with the next generation of researchers and, as … Read more
TM14Climate change communication: What policy, education, research, geoethics and action are realistic? Early career scientists Policy Public engagement Convener(s): David Crookall Co-Convener(s): Bärbel Winkler Tue, 25 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST) Room 1.14 The state of the planet, especially climate and ocean, is moving towards catastrophe almost by the day. Just two, from among many 2022 quotes illustrate the enormity of the problem. • Our world is suffering from the impact of unprecedented emergencies caused by the climate crisis, pollution, desertification and biodiversity loss. UN Secr-General, Guterres. • Multiple climate tipping points could be triggered if global temperature rises beyond 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. This will be disastrous for people across the world. … Read more
US2How can institutions assess impact beyond citations? Paths towards recognition and impact Early career scientists Policy Convener(s): Loic Piret Co-Convener(s): Megan O'Donnell, Noel Baker, Chloe Hill Mon, 24 Apr, 08:30–12:30 (CEST) Room E1 Despite a large, reported interest significant barriers prevent academics from contributing to decision-making processes, including a lack of knowledge about how to engage, insufficient time to participate, and a lack of acknowledgement of individual contributions beyond citations. For example, engaging with policy decision-making processes is not necessarily rewarded in the same way as other activities, such as publishing in journals or generating press coverage. This acts as a significant barrier to participation for many academics, but particularly early career researchers. … Read more
US4Juggling parenting and caring responsibilities with a career in the geosciences: barriers and opportunities to increasing accessibility and inclusion Early career scientists Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Convener(s): Lisa Wingate Co-Convener(s): Dr Munira Raji, Jenny Turton, Evguenia Roussak Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–18:00 (CEST) Room E1 Many geoscientists at some point in their career have the responsibility of caring for family members for extended periods of time. Depending on the support networks in place this can lead to considerable and all too often insurmountable periods of time in a geoscientists career where they find themselves excluded from geoscientific networking experiences and employment opportunities. This not only leads to carers experiencing feelings of isolation, they may also experience financial difficulties alongside increased mental charge eventually causing many … Read more
US5Allyship and supporting others for a more diverse and inclusive geosciences Early career scientists Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Convener(s): daniel parsons Tue, 25 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST) Room E1 An ally is often defined as someone who is not a member of a marginalised group but wants to support and take action to help others in that group. Allyship is crucial for realising the potential for inclusion and equality, and in turn improving diversity in a broader community. Being an effective ally for marginalised groups is often a delicate balance of supporting actions. For example, poor allyship can be speaking over marginalised people by taking credit and receiving recognition … Read more
EOS5.1Promoting and supporting equality, diversity and inclusion in the geosciences Early career scientists Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Convener(s): Claudia Jesus-Rydin Co-Convener(s): Anouk Beniest, Chiaki Oguchi, Billy Williams Following the success of previous years, this session will explore reasons for the under-representation of different groups (cultural, national and gender) by welcoming debate among scientists, decision-makers and policy analysts in the geosciences. The session will focus on both obstacles that contribute to under-representation and on best practices and innovative ideas to remove those obstacles. Contributions are solicited on the following topics: - Role models to inspire and further motivate others (life experience and/or their contributions to promote equality) - … Read more
GDB4Slow science vs fast science Early career scientists Convener(s): Andrea Madella Co-Convener(s): Michael Dietze, Annegret Larsen Tue, 20 Apr, 09:00–10:30 (CEST) Tue, 20 Apr, 09:00–10:30 (CEST) "Publish or perish" is the motto for Fast Science. All Early Career Scientists (ECS) are well aware that the scientific landscape has become a publication factory. Fast Science prefers quantity over quality, thereby creating a proliferation of articles that overwhelm readers and publishers and threaten the effectiveness of the peer-review system. The widespread three-year turnover of project grants causes a lack of longer-term, comprehensively monitored data-sets, contributing to incremental, not fundamental, discoveries. Researchers are challenged to publish at a high … Read more
GDB5Bullying in Academia: towards creating a healthy and safe working environment Early career scientists Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Convener(s): Anouk Beniest Co-Convener(s): Derya Gürer, Simone M. Pieber, Elenora van Rijsingen Being bullied or harassed at your workspace has a tremendous impact on both the professional and the personal wellbeing of the person subjected to such treatment. Which acts and behaviours classify as bullying and harassment? How can you recognize if you or a co-worker/friend are the target of bullying and harassment? How can you protect yourself and others from bullying and harassment? What can we all together do to stop harmful behaviours from individuals or overarching structures? What do institutions … Read more
NET23ECS Union-wide Networking Event Early career scientists Convener(s): Simon Clark, Anouk Beniest, Anita Di Chiara Tue, 27 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST) Tue, 27 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST) The ECS Union-wide Networking Event is the opportunity to get to know your peers across all disciplines. As we all know, your network goes beyond your peers and therefore senior scientists, medallists and awardees, EGU volunteers, committee members and ECS Representatives will also be around. Make sure you catch them for career advice, interesting stories, or just a low-key chat. Read more
NET24ECS Forum Early career scientists Convener(s): Anouk Beniest, Anita Di Chiara, Jenny Turton Wed, 28 Apr, 12:30–13:30 (CEST) Meet your ECS Union-wide Representative, find our what the ECS Representatives do for you, and how you may contribute. Read more
NET43First-Time Attendee Icebreaker Early career scientists Convener(s): Simon Clark Mon, 19 Apr, 12:30–13:30 (CEST) Mon, 19 Apr, 12:30–13:30 (CEST) Orientated towards First-Time Attendees, Mentors, and Mentees, the Icebreaker provides space for you to meet other attendees from across multiple disciplines and to build your social network. The Icebreaker is your opportunity to talk science, careers, or just to socialise at the beginning of the conference. Hosted on the Gathertown platform, the event is unstructured and there for you to stay as long as you wish during the time-slot: you need only to turn up and mingle with others. Read more
SC1.1How to navigate the EGU: tips and tricks Early career scientists Convener(s): Anouk Beniest Co-Convener(s): Gregor Luetzenburg, Meriel J. Bittner Mon, 19 Apr, 09:00–10:00 (CEST) Are you unsure about how to bring order in the extensive program of the General Assembly? Are you wondering how to tackle this week of science? Are you curious about what EGU and the General Assembly have to offer? Then this is the short course for you! During this coursee, we will provide you with tips and tricks on how to handle this large conference and how to make the most out of your week at this year's General Assembly. … Read more
EOS6.2Enabling Women in Geoscience: Inspiration, Challenges and Best Practice Early career scientists Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Convener(s): Madeleine Hann Co-Convener(s): Sarah Boulton, Jodie Fisher, Daisy Hassenberger Displays | Chat Wed, 06 May, 08:30–10:15ChatWed, 06 May, 08:30–10:15 As women are impacted first and worst by climate change it is crucial that women's voices are represented in global decision making, research and science communication. This is especially important in geoscience as we are at the forefront of science and policy, contributing to IPCC reports and advising governments all over the world. It has never been more important to reach gender equity. This will only be achieved through conscious action and the support of the whole geoscience community. This … Read more
GDB1Academic meritocracy: is it a challenge to women’s careers? (Co-sponsored by AGU, AOGS and JpGU) Early career scientists Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Convener(s): Alberto Montanari Co-Convener(s): Robin Bell, Hodaka Kawahata, Robin Robertson Join the online session Wed, 06 May, 16:15–17:15Join the online sessionWed, 06 May, 16:15–17:15 Career advances in academia is commonly considered to be meritocratic, meaning that there is a believe that anyone can succeed and be successful with hard-work and dedication. Discussions around the risk of bias inherent to a meritocratic system are increasing. A merit-based system 'discriminates' on the basis of how much 'merit' a person has, favouring those who have more of it – or are perceived to have more of it. Discussions around meritocracy focus on two immediate issues. It assumes … Read more
SMP2Early Career Karst Hydrologic Modelers Early career scientists Convener(s): Daniel Bittner Co-Convener(s): Markus Giese, Andreas Hartmann, Thomas Reimann Tue, 05 May, 16:15–18:00 Flow and transport modeling in complex karstic systems can be a demanding challenge. Various modeling approaches have been proposed during the last decades, ranging from black-box lumped to physically-based distributed models. Given this broad variety of tools, which can address a wide range of questions related to flow- and transport processes in karst aquifers, it can be challenging to find appropriate modeling approaches for a given objective. For this reason, several (early career) karst modelers expressed their interest in forming … Read more
US1Best practices for scientific integrity and scientific freedom in an age of pandemics - and beyond Early career scientists Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Media Convener(s): Alberto Montanari Co-Convener(s): Robin Bell, Hodaka Kawahata, J. Douglas Walker Orals | Join the online session Mon, 04 May, 16:15–18:00Join the online sessionMon, 04 May, 16:15–18:00 Society benefits greatly from scientific research and the subsequent communication of results without concern by the scientist for censorship, intimidation, or political interference. Speakers with a variety of expertises and backgrounds will debate which policies, roles, and responsibilities they view to be most effective to ensure the integrity of science, including freedom to disseminate results and scientific remarks. Read more
GDB3How can Early Career Scientists prioritise their mental wellbeing? Early career scientists Convener(s): Mathew Stiller-Reeve Co-Convener(s): Raffaele Albano, Anita Di Chiara, Olivia Trani, Stephanie Zihms Thu, 11 Apr, 19:00–20:30 Room E1 The ever more challenging work environments and increasing pressures on Early Career Scientists e.g. publish or perish, securing grant proposals, developing transferable skills and many more – and all while having a lack of job security. This puts a big strain on Early Career Scientists and this can lead to neglected mental well-being which in turn increases the risk of developing anxiety, depression or other mental health issues. The graduate survey from 2017 ( shows that 12% of respondents had … Read more
GDB4Rewards and recognition in science: what value should we place on contributions that cannot be easily measured (co-sponsored by AGU, and JpGU) Early career scientists Convener(s): Alberto Montanari Co-Convener(s): Jonathan Bamber, Robin Bell, Hiroshi Kitazato, Lily Pereg Wed, 10 Apr, 10:45–12:30 Room E1 "What counts may not be countable and what is countable may not count". Assessments of scientists and their institutions tend to focus on easy-to-measure metrics related to research outputs such as publications, citations, and grants. However, society is increasingly dependent on Earth science research and data for immediate decisions and long-term planning. There is a growing need for scientists to communicate, engage, and work directly with the public and policy makers, and practice open scholarship, especially regarding data and software. … Read more
MAL4/GDArne Richter Award for Outstanding ECS Lecture by Mathew Domeier Early career scientists Convener(s): Paul Tackley Tue, 09 Apr, 12:00–12:30 Room -2.21 Read more
MAL5/GMArne Richter Award for Outstanding ECS Lecture by Giulia Sofia Early career scientists Convener(s): Peter van der Beek , Daniel Parsons Mon, 08 Apr, 16:15–16:45 Room G2 Read more
MAL6/CLArne Richter Award for Outstanding ECS Lecture by Amanda C. Maycock Early career scientists Convener(s): Didier Roche Thu, 11 Apr, 10:45–11:15 Room E2 Read more
MAL7/CRArne Richter Award for Outstanding ECS Lecture by Marie Dumont Early career scientists Convener(s): Olaf Eisen Thu, 11 Apr, 12:00–12:30 Room N2 Read more
PCN6EGU Early Career Scientists' Forum Early career scientists Convener(s): Stephanie Zihms Co-Convener(s): Raffaele Albano, Olivia Trani Wed, 10 Apr, 12:45–13:45 Room L2 Are you an early career scientist at the General Assembly? Come along and meet your early career scientist representatives, find out what the EGU does for early career scientist and take the chance to become more involved in the Union. This forum is a great opportunity to let us know what you would like from the EGU, find out how you can get involved in the Assembly and meet other scientists in the EGU early career scientist community. NOTE: EGU … Read more
PCN7ECS Networking and Careers Reception (by invitation only) Early career scientists Convener(s): Stephanie Zihms Co-Convener(s): Raffaele Albano, Olivia Trani Tue, 09 Apr, 19:00–20:30 Room F2 Working in academia is a far cry from your average 9 to 5, and early career scientists (ECS) are often faced with questions that cannot be answered from a textbook. How do I balance research with other activities like science outreach or demonstrating? How do I strike a good work-life balance? Where should I focus my research? Alternatively, the academic route may not be for you and you may want to explore other geoscience careers, but aren't quite sure where … Read more