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To be Young (Qinghai Lake, China) (Credit: Xiaoming Wang, distributed via

ECS Geospatial Technologies

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European Geosciences Union

Geospatial Technologies


Type of degree
Geosciences Information and Data Systems
Munster, Germany
Course language


Each year the Master program will enroll up to 32 students. Half students attend their first semester at UJI, half at UNL. The program at UJI stresses the computing aspects of GI such as computer graphics and web services, whereas the program at UNL is more oriented towards the processing and modeling aspects of Geographic information, including topics such as “Remote Sensing” and “Geospatial data mining”. UNL provides a series of courses in data analysis, processing and modeling as well as courses in GIS foundations and applications. Students with different backgrounds can choose the courses that best suite their particular needs and profiles and define a personalized path.

For the second semester, all students attend the courses at WWU. The first module mediates “Fundamentals in GI Science”. The second module “Advanced topics in GI Science” mediates knowledge on ongoing research and research projects. The third module provides additional “Core competences” the students will need for their Master thesis as well as for their future professional careers: “Research methods in GI Science” and “Project management in GI projects”.
The course program prepares the students for their own research in the Master thesis in the third semester at one of the three locations.