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Participants at a GIFT workshop (Credit: Jane Robb/EGU)

Educational resource Winds of change: using dust in Antarctic ice to understand past climates

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European Geosciences Union

Winds of change: using dust in Antarctic ice to understand past climates

Associated divisions
Climate: Past, Present & Future (CL)
Cryospheric Sciences (CR)


Age group

Material needed
The article and activity sheet are available through the following link:

Type of activities


Understanding prehistoric climates is key to understanding how our climate might change in the future and Antarctic ice cores provide fundamental information that forms the basis for much of this knowledge. Dr Bess Koffman, from Colby College, Waterville, Maine, in the US, studies the dust trapped in Antarctic ice, resolving where it came from and how it got there.

This brochure introduces Bess’s work, offers an insight into careers in geology, contains an interview with Bess and includes an activity sheet that challenges students to explore the importance of ice cores for understanding past and future climates.