How does the Southern Ocean help protect our planet?
Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology (GMPV)
Ocean Sciences (OS)
The Southern Ocean circulation system is vital for redistributing heat, carbon and nutrients around the world. It also plays a significant role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, having sequestered ~40% of anthropogenic CO2 absorbed by the oceans. Associate Professor Julie Trotter and Professor Malcolm McCulloch from The University of Western Australia, and Dr Paolo Montagna from the Institute of Polar Sciences in Bologna, Italy, are working to understand the complex interactions between the Southern Ocean and global climate.
This brochure introduces Julie, Malcolm and Paolo's work, offers an insight into careers in marine geochemistry, contains interviews with Julie, Malcolm and Paolo and includes an activity sheet that challenges students to imagine life aboard a marine research vessel during a scientific expedition.