Call for Interest - Associate Professors in Physics of Complex Systems: Climatology/Econophysics
Department of Physics at the University of Trieste
The Physics Department of the University of Trieste (Dipartimento di Fisica-DF), in the framework of the “Department of Excellence” Project – recently approved and financed by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) – has launched and intends to develop a research/education program in the field of “Physics of Complex Systems” (see here).
For this reason, DF invites now to send expressions of interest for two academic openings at the Associate Professor level in the field of Physics of Complex Systems, with specific applications in climatology and econophysics.
DF is exploring the possibility to cover these positions through a Direct Call procedure, with the aim of establishing a Group of competence for education and research dedicated to studying phenomena such as extreme climatic events and the turbulence of financial markets.
The MUR Direct Calls program provides opportunities to fund academic positions to scientists and scholars who have been working abroad with an equivalent position for at least three years, or to recipients of European Research Council (ERC) grants.
More details about Direct Calls program and eligibility criteria can be found here .
For successful candidates having held academic positions abroad, there are some tax benefits, as, for example, a tax relief on 90% of the salary that may be granted for a duration from 6 to 13 years.
There is no formal deadline established for the present Call, but in the presence of prospective candidates a decision from DF is likely to be taken within the first months of 2024.
Applications must be submitted electronically at the email address, using “FSC-Application for Direct Call” in the subject line.
Applicants are requested to submit a brief CV, a list of publications, a research statement, and a teaching statement.
The DF is committed to increasing the gender balance of its faculty and particularly welcomes applications from qualified women scientists.