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Job advertisement PhD researcher (3 years) in Geophysics and radar-system development at Tuebingen University

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European Geosciences Union

PhD researcher (3 years) in Geophysics and radar-system development at Tuebingen University

PhD researcher (3 years) in Geophysics and radar-system development at Tuebingen University

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Tuebingen University

The Geophysics Group at University Tübingen is a multidisciplinary group, currently consisting of 12 members, including post-doctoral researchers, PhD, Master and Bachelor students. Our research focus is very divers including various geophysical methods (ground-based radar, airborne radar, seismics, geoelectrics, etc.), numerical modelling, machine learning, remote sensing and engineering providing a broad academic network spanning from ice shelves, ice streams via ice cores to alpine glaciers.
We have a great focus on multidisciplinary collaboration especially within the group but also across the department. We conduct department seminars and other social as well as scientific activities to foster this. We value the informal and friendly working environment we have established in our group and set a focus on maintaining this by regular social activities outside of the university, such as going with the Stocherkahn on the Neckar, BBQs and illustrating research using home-made and decorated cake.
Tübingen is a dynamic, young (30% of inhabitants are students) and lively university town ( close to the Swabian Alps which offers various outdoor activities. Tübingen University is one of the eleven German Excellence Universities and offers different Research Training Groups (e.g. Graduiertenkolleg) and support for international as well as national students regarding any administrative issues. Our institute is located close to the city centre of Tübingen and can be easily reached with public transport or bike. Part of the research will be conducted at the Institute of Microwave Engineering (IMWT) at Ulm University in the group of Prof. Christian Waldschmidt, including experts in developing radar systems for various applications ( *Payment according to TV-L 13 ( 65%.


Tübingen, Germany


Relevant divisions
Climate: Past, Present & Future (CL)
Cryospheric Sciences (CR)
Geomorphology (GM)


Entry level


Preferred education

Application deadline
12 June 2024

13 May 2024

Job description

The Geophysics group at Tuebingen University is looking for a motivated individual for an exciting 3-year PhD opportunity within our Project BRISANT (starting in September 2024). This project will involve the acquisition and analysis of ground-based radar data followed by the development of an innovative ground-based radar system. This radar system aims to facilitate repeat-pass data collection to detect changes in basal geometry and englacial layering over many tens of kilometres (for instance to determine basal melt rates in Antarctica). To achieve this objective, we seek a person with a background in geophysics, or engineering, or related fields. The radar system development will be in close collaboration with the Institute for Microwave Technology at Ulm University ( The development, construction and signal processing of the system is intended to be cost-effective and open-source to facilitate wide usage in the scientific community.

This fully funded PhD Project covers 3 years with 65% E13 TV-L. The successful candidate is expected to participate in fieldwork in remote environments, including glaciers in the European Alps and potentially polar regions.

The application deadline is June 12th, 2024. Further information on the position and the project can be found on the official job announcement ( as well as on the Geophysics group homepage (

As part of our commitment to equity and diversity, we encourage applications from individuals of all backgrounds and identities. We strive to create an inclusive environment, where everyone feels valued and succeeds in their academic journey.

Please feel free to contact me ( if you have any questions.

How to apply

We look for a motivated researcher with a Master degree in Geoscience, Physics, Engineering or related disciplines. The successful candidate should either
- have knowledge of geophysics with a particular focus on wave-based methods such as radar or seismics or
- have knowledge in electrical engineering, ideally experience with electromagnetic systems.
In addition, the candidate should have good communication skills in order to work in a highly collaborative and international environment, as well as a very good command of written and spoken English. Knowledge of German is appreciated but not a requirement. Participation in fieldwork in remote areas would be a plus.
Applicants should send one single pdf-document including a letter of motivation, a complete curriculum vitae, copies of qualifications as well as names of two references via email to, who may also be contacted in case of questions. For more information also visit our website: The position remains open until filled. First evaluations will start 12th of June 2024.
It is the policy of the University of Tübingen to increase the percentage of female employees. If equally qualified, preference will be given to female applicants. Individuals with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply and, having the same occupational aptitude, will be preferred. International candidates are highly encouraged to apply but German language skills are recommended to interact with students and non-scientific staff.