PhD Fellow in Wind Modeling
UiT - the Arctic University of Norway
UiT The Arctic University of Norway is a multi-campus comprehensive university at the international forefront. Our vision is to be a driving force for developing the High North. The Northern Sami notion eallju, which means eagerness to work, sets the tone for this motive power at UiT. Along with students, staff and the wider community, we aim to utilise our location in Northern Norway and Sápmi, our broad and diverse research and study portfolio and interdisciplinary advantage to shape the future.
Our social mission is to provide research-based education of high quality, perform artistic development and carry out research of the highest international quality standards in the entire range from basic to applied. We will convey knowledge about disciplines and contribute to innovation. Our social mission unites UiT across various studies, research fields and large geographical distances. This demands good cooperation with trade and industry and civil society as well as with international partners. We will strengthen knowledge-based and sustainable development at a regional, national and international level.
Academic freedom and scientific and ethical principles form the basis for all UiT’s activities. Participation, co-determination, transparency and good processes will provide the decision-making basis we need to make wise and far-sighted priorities. Our students and staff will have the opportunity to develop their abilities and potential. Founded on academic integrity, we will be courageous, committed and generous in close contact with disciplines, people and contemporary developments.
We will demonstrate adaptability and seek good and purposeful utilisation of resources, so we are ready to meet the expectations and opportunities of the future. We will strengthen the quality and impact of our disciplines and core tasks through the following three strategic priority areas.
Energy, Resources and the Environment (ERE)
Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences (NP)
A PhD position is available at the Department of Physics and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology. The position is funded through the academic project HAVVIND from the international company EQUINOR and UiT – The Arctic University of Norway.
The position is for a period of three years – the nominal length of a PhD programme in Norway. The objective of the position is to complete research training to the level of a doctoral degree.
The position is affiliated with the Renewable Energy group, but intensive collaboration with different groups within UiT is desired (Complex Systems Modelling group, Arctic Research Center, Center for Integrated Remote Sensing and Forecasting for Arctic Operation), as well as with other project partners (Bergen Offshore Wind Center, Norwegian Polar Institute, and Norwegian Meteorological Institute).
Admission to the PhD programme is a prerequisite for employment, and the programme period starts on commencement of the position. The workplace is at UiT in Tromsø. You must be able to start in the position within a reasonable time after receiving the offer.
The application must be send through
The position requires the equivalent of a Norwegian Master of Science (MSc) degree, or similar degrees (at the MSc-level) from recognized universities. The degree must be within meteorology, oceanography, or physical climate science. We will also consider more general degrees within computational fluid dynamics, environmental modeling, computational geography, and remote sensing.
The successful candidate must be familiar with (1) the PALM or/and WRF modeling systems and (2) the Python scripting with pandas, numpy, netcdf, scipy-learn, cartopy packages. Familiarity with other atmospheric and/or wind models and broader experience with Python and R scripting will be positively evaluated. Candidates without these key qualifications will not be considered.
A good knowledge and experience in two or more of the following fields is expected:
Atmospheric physics, weather prediction
Geo-information systems and data analysis with python
Numerical modeling for computational fluid dynamics
Familiarity with high performance parallel computing and LINUX
Applicants must document fluency of in English and be able to work in an international environment. Nordic applicants can document their English capabilities by attaching their high school diploma. Working knowledge of Norwegian or a Scandinavian language is also beneficial.
Your application must include:
Cover letter explaining your motivation and research interests (max. 1 page). The letter must clearly document your familiarity with the PALM modeling system, LINUX, and Python scripting.
CV (max 1 page)
PDF scans of documents confirming Diploma for bachelor’s and master’s degree
PDF scans of transcript of grades/academic record for bachelor’s and master’s degree
Explanation of the grading system for foreign education (Diploma Supplement if available)
Documentation of English proficiency
Contact information for 3 reference persons to be asked for recommendation letters.
Master’s thesis, and any other academic works
PDF file with the MSc thesis in English. If the thesis gives less than 30 ECTS or shorter than 10.000 words other academic works (peer-review publications, conference proceedings, etc.) must be provided.
Project description (1 page) within the given directions mentioned above.
Qualification with a master’s degree is required before commencement in the position. If you are near completion of your master’s degree, you may still apply and submit a draft version of the thesis and a statement from your supervisor or institution indicating when the degree will be obtained. You must still submit your transcript of grades for the master’s degree with your application.
All documentation to be considered must be in a Scandinavian language or English. Diplomas and transcripts must also be submitted in the original language, if not in English or Scandinavian. If English proficiency is not documented in the application, it must be documented before starting in the position. We only accept applications and documentation sent via Jobbnorge within the application deadline.