News from the EGU: EGU 2015 highlights and feedback (May 2015) 28 May 2015 The May edition of the EGU email newsletter, the monthly information service for Union members, is now available. Read more
Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems indexed in Web of Science 19 May 2015 The EGU open access journal Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems (GI) has just been accepted for inclusion in the Web of Science, an important indexing site widely used by the scientific community for article search and discovery. Read more
Nominate candidates for our awards and medals! 5 May 2015 Every year, the EGU honours individuals for their important contributions to the Earth, planetary and space sciences through its awards and medals programme. EGU members are kindly asked to submit their nominations for all EGU medals and awards by 15 June. Read more
Introducing the new EGU young scientist representatives at Union level 14 April 2015 Following a two-year term, Sam Illingworth steps down as Programme Committee Representative at this year’s General Assembly. Wouter Berghuijs, from the Hydrology Division, and Lena Noack, from Planetary Sciences, have been nominated by the young scientist division representatives to replace Sam. Wouter will serve as Head Representative within the next year, with Lena taking the role of Deputy Head Representative. She will become Head Representative the following year. Read more
Launching the EGU Galileo Conference programme 13 April 2015 The EGU Galileo conferences address well-focused cutting-edge topics at the frontier of geosciences research. The programme is being launched today at the EGU General Assembly, with interested EGU members invited to submit proposals for the first EGU Galileo Conference soon. Read more
A community journal grown up: celebrating 10 years of Climate of the Past 10 April 2015 Climate of the Past was launched as a community-driven journal on 05 June 2005, a few weeks after EGU 2005, and is celebrating its 10 years with a special reception at the EGU 2015 General Assembly. Read more
Job opportunity at the EGU Executive Office: Science Policy Fellow 7 April 2015 We are seeking to appoint a Science Policy Fellow to develop the Union’s science policy programme, which is aimed at building bridges between geoscientists and European policymakers, engaging the EGU membership with public policy, and informing decision makers about the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The deadline for applications in 3 May. Read more
New websites for the EGU journals 26 March 2015 All of EGU’s open-access journals now have new online homes. The new websites feature redesigned home page, as well as fast-access buttons for manuscript submission and tracking of manuscripts under review. Read more
Relaunch of CP website 26 March 2015 Our publisher Copernicus has just relaunched the website for Climate of the Past, an open-access EGU journal. The new website features a redesigned home page, which includes news, recent papers and highlight papers, as well as fast-access buttons for manuscript submission and tracking of manuscripts under review. Find more details about the redesign over at the new CP website. Read more
Relaunch of ANGEO website 26 March 2015 Our publisher Copernicus has just relaunched the website for Annales Geophysicae, an open-access EGU journal. The new website features a redesigned home page, which includes news, recent papers and highlight papers, as well as fast-access buttons for manuscript submission and tracking of manuscripts under review. Find more details about the redesign over at the new ANGEO website. Read more