EGU journal news: new impact factors, h5-index and an anniversary 1 August 2014 The new impact factors for all EGU journals are now available from the journals’ websites. Copernicus has also included the Google Scholar Metrics h5-index for all their journals. Read more
EGU 2015 call for sessions 7 July 2014 The call for session proposals for the EGU 2015 General Assembly is now open. Until 12 September you can suggest new sessions with conveners and description, or you can propose modifications to current ones. The next EGU General Assembly is taking place in Vienna, Austria from 12 to 17 April 2015. Read more
New edition of GeoQ out now! 2 June 2014 This issue of the EGU quarterly newsletter is dedicated to the EGU 2014 General Assembly. It includes articles about the research and discussed at the conference, a letter from the EGU President Günter Blöschl with reflections on the meeting, and much more! Read more
Nominate candidates for our awards and medals! 20 May 2014 Every year, the EGU honours individuals for their important contributions to the Earth, planetary and space sciences through its awards and medals programme. EGU members are kindly asked to submit their nominations for all EGU medals and awards by 15 June. Read more
New EGU partnerships 20 May 2014 The EGU has signed Memoranda of Cooperation with the Geological Society of America and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations. Read more
Looking back at the EGU 2014 General Assembly 13 May 2014 From 27 April to 2 May, Earth, planetary and space scientists from all over the world got together in Vienna for the EGU 2014 General Assembly. The meeting, which for the first time had a theme (The Face of the Earth), was rich in scientific achievements, international discussions and interesting new features. With over 15,000 presentations and close to 12,500 participants from 106 countries, it was also the largest to date. Read more
Welcome to the new EGU Vice-President and three new committee chairs! 13 May 2014 At the EGU 2014 General Assembly, Hans Thybo was inaugurated as EGU Vice-President while Nicholas Arndt, Gerrit de Rooij and Hubert H.G. Savenije became the new chairs of the Outreach, Programme and Publications Committees, respectively. Read more
Job opportunity at the EGU Executive Office: Communications Officer 18 March 2014 We are seeking to appoint a Communications Officer to work with the EGU Media and Communications Manager in maintaining and further developing media- and science-related communications between the EGU and its membership, the working media and the public at large. Read more
Obituary: Peter Fabian (1937 – 2014) 13 March 2014 Peter Fabian, the first EGU President, passed away on 11 March at the age of 76. Read more
New edition of GeoQ out now! 3 March 2014 This issue of the EGU quarterly newsletter is dedicated to The Face of the Earth, the theme of this year’s General Assembly. A special contribution from the EGU President and the EGU Programme Committee Chair at the start of the issue informs readers about this theme and what will be different at this year’s meeting. Read more