Climate response to imposed solar radiation reductions in high latitudes Earth System Dynamics DOI 10.5194/esd-4-301-2013 2 September 2013 The results of this paper suggest that, until emissions reductions are sufficient to limit the warming influence of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations, polar reductions in solar radiation, if they could be efficiently and effectively implemented, warrant further research as an approach to moderating the early stages of both high-latitude and global warming. Read more
Consistent increase in Indian monsoon rainfall and its variability across CMIP-5 models Earth System Dynamics DOI 10.5194/esd-4-287-2013 28 August 2013 The possibility of an impact of global warming on the Indian monsoon is of critical importance for the large population of this region. Future projections within the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 3 (CMIP-3) showed a wide range of trends with varying magnitude and sign across models. Here the Indian summer monsoon rainfall is evaluated in 20 CMIP-5 models for the period 1850 to 2100. Read more
Quantitative evaluation of emission controls on primary and secondary organic aerosol sources during Beijing 2008 Olympics Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics DOI 10.5194/acp-13-8303-2013 22 August 2013 To assess the primary and secondary sources of fine organic aerosols after the aggressive implementation of air pollution controls during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, 12 h PM2.5 values were measured at an urban site at Peking University (PKU) and an upwind rural site at Yufa during the CAREBEIJING-2008 (Campaigns of Air quality REsearch in BEIJING and surrounding region) summer field campaign. Read more
Editorial: The publication of geoscientific model developments v1.0 Geoscientific Model Development DOI 10.5194/gmd-6-1233-2013 14 August 2013 In this editorial, GMD Executive Editors assess the lessons learned over the first few years of the journal’s life, and describe some changes to GMD’s editorial policy, which will ensure that the models and model developments are published in such a way that they are of maximum value to the community. Read more
Absorptivity of brown carbon in fresh and photo-chemically aged biomass-burning emissions Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics DOI 10.5194/acp-13-7683-2013 9 August 2013 Experiments were conducted to investigate light absorption of organic aerosol in fresh and photo-chemically aged biomass-burning emissions. Read more
ACE-FTS observations of acetonitrile in the lower stratosphere Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics DOI 10.5194/acp-13-7405-2013 2 August 2013 This work reports the first infrared satellite remote-sensing measurements of acetonitrile (CH3CN) in the Earth’s atmosphere using solar occultation measurements made by the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier transform spectrometer (ACE-FTS) between 2004 and 2011. Read more
A decadal satellite analysis of the origins and impacts of smoke in Colorado Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics DOI 10.5194/acp-13-7429-2013 2 August 2013 We analyze the record of aerosol optical depth (AOD) measured by the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the Terra satellite in combination with surface PM2.5 to investigate the impact of fires on aerosol loading and air quality over Colorado from 2000 to 2012, and to evaluate the contribution of local versus transported smoke. Read more
LGM permafrost distribution: how well can the latest PMIP multi-model ensembles perform reconstruction? Climate of the Past DOI 10.5194/cp-9-1697-2013 1 August 2013 Here, global-scale frozen ground distribution from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) has been reconstructed using multi-model ensembles of global climate models, and then compared with evidence-based knowledge and earlier numerical results. Read more
On the effect of orbital forcing on mid-Pliocene climate, vegetation and ice sheets Climate of the Past DOI 10.5194/cp-9-1749-2013 1 August 2013 We present results from modelling of the mid-Pliocene warm period (3.3–3 million years ago) using the Earth system model of intermediate complexity CLIMBER-2 analysing the effect of changes in boundary conditions as well as of orbital forcing on climate. Read more
Clifford algebra-based structure filtering analysis for geophysical vector fields Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics DOI 10.5194/npg-20-563-2013 31 July 2013 A new Clifford algebra-based vector field filtering method, which combines amplitude similarity and direction difference synchronously, is proposed. Read more
MODIS 3 km aerosol product: algorithm and global perspective Atmospheric Measurement Techniques DOI 10.5194/amt-6-1829-2013 31 July 2013 After more than a decade of producing a nominal 10 km aerosol product based on the dark target method, the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aerosol team will be releasing a nominal 3 km product as part of their Collection 6 release. Read more
Carbon farming in hot, dry coastal areas: an option for climate change mitigation Earth System Dynamics DOI 10.5194/esd-4-237-2013 31 July 2013 We present a comprehensive, interdisciplinary project which demonstrates that large-scale plantations of Jatropha curcas – if established in hot, dry coastal areas around the world – could capture 17–25 t of carbon dioxide per hectare per year from the atmosphere (over a 20 yr period). Read more
Detailed insight into Arctic climatic variability during MIS 11c at Lake El’gygytgyn, NE Russia Climate of the Past DOI 10.5194/cp-9-1467-2013 15 July 2013 Here we present a detailed multi-proxy record of the climate and environmental evolution at Lake El’gygytgyn, Far East Russian Arctic during the period 430–395 ka covering the marine isotope stage (MIS) 12/11 transition and the thermal maximum of super interglacial MIS 11c. Read more
Halogen species record Antarctic sea ice extent over glacial–interglacial periods Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics DOI 10.5194/acp-13-6623-2013 12 July 2013 Here we present speciation measurements of bromine and iodine in the TALDICE (TALos Dome Ice CorE) ice core (159°11’ E, 72°49’ S; 2315 m a.s.l.) spanning the last 215 ky. Based on our results we propose the use of both halogens for examining Antarctic variability of past sea ice extent. Read more
Increased soil temperature and atmospheric N deposition have no effect on the N status and growth of a mature balsam fir forest Biogeosciences DOI 10.5194/bg-10-4627-2013 11 July 2013 Nitrogen (N) is a major growth-limiting factor in boreal forest ecosystems. Increases of temperature and atmospheric N deposition are expected to affect forest growth directly and indirectly by increasing N availability due to higher rates of N mineralization. We conducted experiments on a mature balsam fir stand in Canada to understand the potential impacts of these changes. Read more
Comparative assessment of predictions in ungauged basins – Part 2: Flood and low flow studies Hydrology and Earth System Sciences DOI 10.5194/hess-17-2637-2013 9 July 2013 The objective of this paper is to assess the performance of methods that predict low flows and flood runoff in ungauged catchments. The aim is to learn from the similarities and differences between catchments in different places, and to interpret the differences in performance in terms of the underlying climate-landscape controls. Read more
Impact of change in climate and policy from 1988 to 2007 on environmental and microbial variables at the time series station Boknis Eck, Baltic Sea Biogeosciences DOI 10.5194/bg-10-4529-2013 4 July 2013 The temporal development of phytoplankton was monitored from 1988 to the end of 2007 at the time series station Boknis Eck in the western Baltic Sea. Read more
Detection of a plasmaspheric wind in the Earth’s magnetosphere by the Cluster spacecraft Annales Geophysicae DOI 10.5194/angeo-31-1143-2013 2 July 2013 Analysis of ion measurements, acquired in the outer plasmasphere by the CIS experiment onboard the four Cluster spacecraft, provide now an experimental confirmation of the plasmaspheric wind. Read more
Seasonal measurements of total OH reactivity emission rates from Norway spruce in 2011 Biogeosciences DOI 10.5194/bg-10-4241-2013 26 June 2013 One way to investigate the chemical interplay between biosphere and atmosphere is through the measurement of total OH reactivity, the total loss rate of OH radicals. This study presents the first determination of total OH reactivity emission rates based on a branch cuvette enclosure system mounted on a Norway spruce throughout spring, summer and autumn 2011. Read more
Muon radiography for exploration of Mars geology Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems DOI 10.5194/gi-2-157-2013 17 June 2013 Preliminary estimates of muon production on Mars indicate that the near horizontal Martian muon flux, which could be used for muon radiography, is as strong or stronger than that on Earth, making the technique suitable for exploration of numerous high priority geological targets on Mars. Read more