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EGU science-policy pairing scheme EGU's 2023 Science-Policy Pairing Scheme with MEP Martin Hojsík and MEP Petros Kokkalis 13–24 November 2023, Brussels, Belgium

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European Geosciences Union

EGU's 2023 Science-Policy Pairing Scheme with MEP Martin Hojsík and MEP Petros Kokkalis

In November 2023, the EGU sponsored two scientists to work alongside a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for up to a week inside the European Parliament in November 2023.

Daniele la Cecilia was paired with MEP Martin Hojsík and Stelios Karozis was paired with MEP Petros Kokkalis.

Following the Pairing Scheme, la Cecilia shared his thoughts on the importace of researchers gaining policy experience, “It’s difficult to understand the complexities of policymaking when we stay inside of our academic bubble – it may seem obvious that all the evidence points to a single straightforward decision. But different stakeholders have different perspectives and values and often see the same situation in a very different way. I think it’s important for us to try to understand these different perspectives and the many things that policymakers have to consider when we’re providing evidence to policymakers.”

Karozis shared one of his experiences during the Pairing Scheme week, “I was lucky to be present in the voting of Nature Restoration Law. The room was packed with MEPs and observers, all waiting the results. The voting was expected to be marginal in favour of passing and everybody was on edge. The MEPs voted and the result was positive! Everybody was happy and excited, including me. Immediately after, I learnt that there will be another (third) voting process early 2024. I was surprised on how many steps there are until something is considered approved from EU parliament.”

More information about the experiences and activities undertaken by the two selected candidates will be shared on the GeoPolicy Blog.

If you would like more information about this pairing scheme , please contact the EGU Policy Manager Chloe Hill via