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Arthur Holmes Medal & Honorary Membership 2019 Jean Braun

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Jean Braun

Jean Braun
Jean Braun

The 2019 Arthur Holmes Medal & Honorary Membership is awarded to Jean Braun in recognition of outstanding contributions to coupled lithospheric geodynamic and surface process modelling.

Jean Braun is a world leader in integrated geodynamics and Earth surface processes research. His research portfolio is unique in that he has a sustained record of high-impact and interdisciplinary research that transcends traditional boundaries in the solid Earth geosciences. He has made transformative contributions to the fields of tectonics, geomorphology, thermochronology, and mathematical methods for geodynamic problems – and few if any – has redefined the landscape of modern geoscience research in such a large breadth of fields.

The success of Braun’s research is rooted in a thorough evaluation of the physics associated with tectonic and landscape evolution processes. His research extends beyond ground-breaking theoretical work and includes world renowned innovations in thermochronometer data interpretation, and interdisciplinary high impact contributions include publications on rift flank uplift, topographic development in orogens, the thermomechanical evolution of orogens, geomorphology and dynamic topography.

A characteristic and noteworthy aspect of his research is also his willingness to train young scientists on the application of his numerical models to geoscience problems. In this respect, his work in numerical modelling of thermochronometer data for tectonic and erosion studies has truly redefined how the next generation of tectonics students will conduct their work. It is difficult to find a study of the thermomechanical or topographic evolution of orogens that does not build upon previous work by Braun. His publications and book Quantitative Thermochronology occupy the ‘must read’ list of every new graduate students entering the field of tectonics and geodynamics.

The interdisciplinary career accomplishments of Jean Braun warrant recognition from the EGU community with the 2019 EGU Arthur Holmes Medal and Honorary Membership.

Medal lecture video (Youtube) of the Arthur Holmes Medal given at the EGU General Assembly 2019.