Animesh Kumar Gain

NH Natural Hazards
The 2016 Division Outstanding Young Scientist Award is awarded to Animesh Kumar Gain for his innovative contributions to the integrated assessment of flood risks and water scarcity, considering both physical and socioeconomic dimensions.
The most innovative aspect of Animesh Kumar Gain’s research lies on the integrated assessment of risks using participatory tools and spatial analysis. His work focuses on flood hazard and water scarcity, with special attention to the social and ecological vulnerabilities of systems exposed to the impacts of climate change.
His studies have high relevance for supporting decision making and risk management. His research on natural hazards and risk covers a broad range of cross-cutting issues such as integrated water resources management, and water-energy-food security nexus.
The results of his interdisciplinary research are reflected in more than 20 articles published in high-ranking peer reviewed journals. In these publications, he collaborated not only with his PhD supervisors, but also with scientists from different institutions of Europe and South Asia, which demonstrates his scientific maturity. He is a regular reviewer for various top-ranked journals in the broader fields of natural hazards and water resources management. Currently, Gain is a recipient of an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship and a guest scientist at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geoscience in Potsdam.