Witold Rohm

G Geodesy
The 2016 Division Outstanding Young Scientist Award is awarded to Witold Rohm for his innovative contributions in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) meteorology research, advancing our understanding of meteorological processes that impact on GNSS signals.
Witold Rohm’s research is focused on the development, validation and application of tropospheric tomography. The importance of his work lies in the use of a rigid mathematical and geodetic methodology to resolve meteorological questions. This leads to important achievements in GNSS tomography processing linked to the uncertainty propagation and to limited constrained models. The uncertainty of tomographic estimations is a key factor to allow assessing the quality of water vapour retrieval; this has not been done before for tomography models and is of fundamental importance for applications. He introduced the limited constrained model as a response to the needs of the meteorological community interested in unbiased horizontal and vertical gradients, which allow monitoring 3D structures of tropospheric dynamics using GNSS observations. His current research aims at forging strong relations between geodetic and meteorological communities and consequently pursues the use of GNSS observations in nowcasting and forecasting models. In the years 2011–2014, Rohm was a co-chair of the International Association of Geodesy Working Group ‘Inter-comparison and cross-validation of tomography models’ and now he is a chair of the Study Group ‘Tomography’, bringing together the most experienced researchers in GNSS tomography.