Christoph von Hagke

TS Tectonics and Structural Geology
The 2020 Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is awarded to Christoph von Hagke for his wide-ranging contributions to the kinematics and dynamics of plate boundaries, their interactions with foreland basins, and with magma transport.
Christoph von Hagke made important contributions to the evolution of the Alpine foreland, performing low-temperature thermochronology and interpreting these data on the basis of critical taper analyses. After his PhD, von Hagke has studied a wide range of topics, including the dynamics of divergent plate boundary faults and their interaction with magma migration, failure mode transition in boudinage, kinematics of foreland fold and thrust belts, convergent plate boundary kinematics and erosion rates. In addition to these works, he is also active and publishing papers on innovative didactic approaches.
Von Hagke is an energetic, independent young scientist, and his integrated understanding of a very wide range of spatial and temporal scales is rare among early career scientists. His international network of collaborations is impressive, and his breadth and talent for integration is exceptional. Von Hagke is also an active member of the community. He has co-edited special issues and convened multiple sessions at the EGU General Assembly and other international meetings. He is an outstanding reviewer of scientific journals and an excellent teacher and PhD supervisor. By his regular participation in outreach activities, von Hagke has shown that he is able to convey the geosciences to a general audience in an inspiring and creative way.