Sebastian Dötterl

SSS Soil System Sciences
The 2020 Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is awarded to Sebastian Dötterl for his contributions to the understanding of biogeochemical processes along geoclimatic gradients and the role of soil development and soil disturbance as controls on carbon dynamics.
Sebastian Dötterl is a physical geographer with a special focus on soil development. He excels in his aptitude to follow the fate of carbon and other nutrients in complex landscape settings. Dötterl deliberately interweaves different disciplines and bridges smaller and larger scales to unravel soil biogeochemical cycles. Through the identification of underlying driving factors, he is a key contributor for a mechanistic understanding that enriches major landscape models.
Dötterl is especially passionate about engaging stakeholders in Chile and Congo to advance our knowledge of biogeochemical cycles in tropical environments. His extensive publication list, including several publications in high-impact journals, shows his outstanding ability to publish the results of his experiments and modelling approaches. With this, he successfully contributes towards a better understanding of tropical soil systems and how these differ from temperate regions, where most of our knowledge is derived from. Dötterl’s openness to critically discussing soil system understanding, his energetic engagement in the community, and his excellent scientific contributions to the field make him a worthy recipient of this award.