Alice Fremand

ESSI Earth and Space Science Informatics
The 2021 Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is awarded to Alice Fremand for her major contributions towards establishing the data centre for geothermal data in Alsace (Centre de Données de Géothermie Profonde, CDGP) as a state-of-the-art research data repository.
Alice Fremand played a significant role in the establishment of the CDGP data centre for geothermal data in Alsace. As a geophysicist, she was able to identify relevant data, convert them into reusable formats, check their quality, and apply necessary corrections. As a data manager, she described datasets with metadata and organized their persistent identification with Digital Object identifiers (DOI), thus making the data first-class scientific objects.
In her design of the data centre, she applied the Open Archival Information Systems (OAIS) reference model as the basis for implementing the principles of the World Data System CoreTrustSeal for research data repository certification, and the principles of Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse (FAIR principles). In the licensing policy of the data centre, she advocated for open access to data while still respecting the licensing conditions given by industrial data owners (intelligent openness).
Alice Fremand is always ready to share her expertise with others and presented her work through oral and poster presentations at conferences, as well as through training and short courses.