Ágnes Király

GD Geodynamics
The 2023 Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is awarded to Ágnes Király for her significant contributions in geodynamics, including contributions on viscous anisotropy in the mantle and new interactions between subduction and geological deformation and volcanism.
Ágnes Király receives the 2023 EGU Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award in the Geodynamics Division for her contributions on viscous anisotropy in mantle dynamics and her work on novel interactions between subduction and geological deformation and volcanism. While the overall subduction process has been known for some time, the complex interactions between subducting slabs and the mantle are poorly known. Understanding this complexity represents the forefront of subduction research and has been the primary focus of Ágnes Király’s early career. She has developed models of sinking slabs using both computers and physical tanks of deforming syrup and putty – a rare combination of geodynamic skills. By modelling deformation associated with the edges of slabs, gaps within slabs, and multiple slabs subducting near each other, she has discovered new ways in which subduction complexity produces geological deformation. Her models predict patterns of uplift, volcanism, and tectonic deformation at subduction zones around the world. She also worked extensively on the role of anisotropic viscosity in the mantle, and secured external funding for the ‘ANIMA’ project (Anisotropic Viscosity in Mantle Dynamics), which aims to evaluate the importance of anisotropic viscosity and olivine texture development for multi-scale geodynamic processes. Her skill in model development, intuition for solid Earth deformation processes, and her ability to link her models to geological observations, make Ágnes Király one of the most promising young geodynamicists within the international community.
Ágnes Király stands out among young scientists for her enthusiasm, positivity, and empathy. She displays exceptional and unique efficiency in conducting research studies, participates in collaborative projects, serves the community (i.e., organising workshops and conference sessions), and teaches courses. She is an inspiration for future young researchers and has already firmly established herself within the geodynamic community. These excellent contributions make Ágnes Király a very worthy recipient of the EGU Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award in Geodynamics.