Daria Spivakovskaya

OS Ocean Sciences
The 2007 Young Scientist Outstanding Poster Paper (YSOPP) Award is awarded to Daria Spivakovskaya for the poster/PICO entitled:
Lagrangian modelling of multi-dimensional advection-diffusion with space-varying diffusivities (Spivakovskaya, D.; Heemink, A.W.; Deleersnijder, E.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Daria Spivakovskaya graduates from Delft University of Technology in September 2007. Her PhD research concerns the Lagrangian modelling of the advection-diffusion processes. She is very grateful to her supervisor Prof. Dr. ir. A.W. Heemink (TU Delft) and Prof. Dr. E.Deleersnijder (University catholique de Louvain) for their advices and support.