Andrea Miebach

CL Climate: Past, Present & Future
The 2015 Outstanding Student Poster (OSP) Award is awarded to Andrea Miebach for the poster/PICO entitled:
Climate and human impacts on the vegetation in NW Turkey: palynological insights from Lake Iznik since the Last Glacial (Miebach, A.; Niestrath, P.; Roeser, P. A.; Litt, T.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Andrea Miebach is a PhD student at the Paleontological Department at the University of Bonn (Germany), supervised by Thomas Litt. Her research work is a part of the Collaborative Research Centre 806 “Our Way to Europe”, which investigates the interaction between human dispersal and environmental development.
Her research focuses on the reconstruction of the vegetation history of northwestern Turkey and the southern Levant since the Last Glacial. Vegetation reconstructions give insights how the landscape looked like, how climatic conditions were, and how humans exploited the vegetation.
The awarded poster presents the vegetation development in the Marmara region (NW Turkey) during the last ca. 30,000 years. It illustrates how climate changes and human occupation formed the vegetation. The vegetation response to rapid climate changes are shown, and different stages of anthropogenic exploitations are described.
Publication resulting from the award
Miebach, A., Niestrath, P., Roeser, P., and Litt, T.: Impacts of climate and humans on the vegetation in northwestern Turkey: palynological insights from Lake Iznik since the Last Glacial, Clim. Past, 12, 575–593,, 2016.