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EGU Award Ceremony (Credit: EGU/Foto Pfluegl)

Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP) Awards 2018 Alexandra Gutmann

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Alexandra Gutmann

Alexandra Gutmann
Alexandra Gutmann

GMPV Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

The 2018 Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP) Award is awarded to Alexandra Gutmann for the poster/PICO entitled:

Bromine Chemistry in volcanic plumes – Development of in-situ denuder sampling techniques for hydrogen bromine (Gutmann, A.; Bobrowski, N.; Liotta, M.; Rüdiger, J.; Hoffmann, T.)

Click here to download the poster/PICO file.

Alexandra Gutmann is a PhD student in analytical chemistry at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany. Interested in volcanic eruption processes, her thesis focuses on bromine species in volcanic gas emissions. Changes in bromine emissions compared to sulfur seem to indicate volcanic activity and therefore could be a useful tool in forecasting. However, due to the lack of appropriate measurement techniques, bromine speciation in volcanic plumes is not fully understood yet.
The presented poster describes a new in-situ method for determining hydrogen bromine in volcanic plumes.