Alexandre Barboni
OS Ocean Sciences
The 2022 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award is awarded to Alexandre Barboni for the poster/PICO entitled:
What can we learn from eddy-induced signatures on sea surface temperature? (Barboni, A.; Stegner, A.; Moschos, E.)
Alexandre Barboni is a PhD candidate in physical Oceanography at LMD-IPSL, Ecole Polytechnique in France, supervised by Prof. Alexandre Stegner, and also works with LOPS and SHOM in Brest. He graduated from ENS Paris in 2020.
His research topic is the vertical structure of ocean mesoscale eddies, with a focus on the role of air-sea interactions. In particular he aims to identify the physical processes driving the eddy vertical evolution and fate. His work combines satellite remote sensing and in situ in-depth measurements, in comparison with numerical modelling (CROCO model), and his areas of research are the Mediterranean and Arabian seas.
The work presented in EGU22 was done in collaboration with Evangelos Moschos, and aims to quantitatively measure eddy-induced sea surface temperature anomalies. A significant seasonal signal is found in the Mediterranean sea. A simple 1D model is developed to provide a physical explanation through modulation of the vertical mixing by eddies.