Omar Cenobio-Cruz

HS Hydrological Sciences
The 2022 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award is awarded to Omar Cenobio-Cruz for the poster/PICO entitled:
Improvement of high and low flow simulation in the hydrological model chain SASER (Cenobio-Cruz, O.; Quintana-Seguí, P.; Barella-Ortiz, A.; Garrote, L.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Omar Cenobio-Cruz is a PhD student in the Hydrology and Climate Change group at the Observatori de l’Ebre, Universitat Ramon LLull – CSIC, Spain. He works on the modelling of the continental water cycle. His PhD research is focused on using physical modelling to better understanding of drought and low-flow conditions in Spain, considering anthropogenic impacts.
In EGU 2022 he presented research results about improvement in streamflow simulation in the hydrometeorological chain SASER in which introduced a conceptual reservoir to improve the slow component in the hydrological response. He implemented a regionalization approach, in which a genetic algorithm was used to optimize the empirical parameters of the reservoir ungauged or human-influenced basins. Results showed a remarkable improvement in low flow simulation, as indicate KGE scores and low flow indices evaluated.