Tobias Junginger

HS Hydrological Sciences
The 2022 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award is awarded to Tobias Junginger for the poster/PICO entitled:
The urban biocide terbutryn: field investigations to explore release and reactive transport under environmental conditions (Junginger, T.; Payraudeau, S.; Imfeld, G.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Tobias Junginger is a PhD student at the University of Strasbourg, France in the ITES laboratory (Institut Terre et Environnement de Strasbourg). His research focuses on the environmental fate of urban biocides (applied in paints and plasters), their reactive transport from facades to groundwater and the use of compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) to determine degradation mechanisms.
In his presentation at the EGU 2022, Tobias provided an overview of the applicability of CSIA for urban contaminants. He presented results from field experiments to better understand release and transformation processes of the urban biocide terbutryn at experimental building facades, as well as results from lysimeter experiments to track reactive transport of urban biocides towards groundwater. The main findings indicated a slow degradation of the urban biocide terbutryn, the formation of several transformation products with unknown ecotoxicological effects and allowed the identification of the main reactive transport processes from facades towards groundwater.