Tullia Calogiuri

SSS Soil System Sciences
The 2022 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award is awarded to Tullia Calogiuri for the poster/PICO entitled:
Can earthworms enhance mineral weathering and thereby increase carbon sequestration? (Calogiuri, T.; Garamszegi, P.; Vidal, A.; van Groenigen, J. W.; Hagens, M.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Tullia Calogiuri is a first-year PhD candidate at the Soil Biology and Soil Chemistry and Chemical Soil Quality chair groups of Wageningen University. In her PhD project, she studies the impact of earthworms on the weathering of silicate minerals. Specifically, she aims to unravel the mechanisms through which earthworms increase mineral weathering rates, and identify the optimal environmental conditions promoting both earthworm activity and mineral weathering. At EGU 2022, Tullia presented her first results on the suitability of using two earthworm species for silicate mineral weathering under a range of temperatures, water flow rates, organic matter sources, and mineral types. Tullia’s PhD project is part of the Bio-Accelerated Mineral Weathering (BAM!) project (https://www.fet-bam.eu/), which aims to develop a novel technology for negative emissions by harnessing the power of biota to enhance silicate mineral weathering rates in a bio-reactor.