On Ki Angel Ling

SM Seismology
The 2023 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award is awarded to On Ki Angel Ling for the poster/PICO entitled:
Enhancement of Seismic Phase Identification using Polarization Filtering and Array Analysis (Ling, O. K. A.; Stähler, S. C.; Sollberger, D.; Giardini, D.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Angel Ling is a Ph.D. student at the Institute of Geophysics at ETH Zürich, Switzerland, working under the supervision of Prof. Domenico Giardini and Dr. Simon Stähler. Her research explores and evaluates the capability of large seismic networks in combination with various array analysis methods for studying the deep Earth, with a specific focus on the AlpArray Seismic Network.
The research presented at EGU23 aims to improve the accuracy in identifying teleseismic phases using seismic networks and extracting detailed information, allowing for probing the depths of the Earth. She and her collaborators investigate the impacts of implementing advanced three-component polarization filtering in the time-frequency domain before applying conventional stacking to the data recorded by AlpArray. This investigation highlights the advantages and effectiveness of this approach in suppressing shear and surface waves and enhancing the SNR of phases from the deep mantle and core. This allows the identification of weaker teleseismic phases, such as converted phases and PKIKPPKIKP in earthquakes of magnitude 6-7. The results also show that the polarization filter design has to be adapted to specific applications.