Pauline Georges

SM Seismology
The 2024 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award is awarded to Pauline Georges for the poster/PICO entitled:
Improving the representation of apparent anelastic attenuation variability in regionalised Ground Motion Models in Europe with a focus in mainland France (Georges, P.; Kotha, S. R.; Chaljub, E.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Pauline Georges is a PhD candidate at the Earth Science Institute, ISTerre, at the Grenoble Alpes university. Her research focuses on improving the seismic hazard studies especially for shallow earthquakes in Europe. Ground motion model were using general model, but they are now regionalised to better take into account the variability of wave propagation in the crust. She works at developing the next generation of ground motion model by improving the modelisation of apparent anelastic attenuation. In her EGU presentation, she tests different approach to regionalise the apparent anelastic attenuation variability and presents the best approach. The apparent anelastic attenuation variability is then shown at different frequencies and the results are partially analysed.