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Participants at a GIFT workshop (Credit: Jane Robb/EGU)

Education Educational resource submission form

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European Geosciences Union

Educational resource submission form

Fill the following form and press "Submit". Fields marked with * are required. All submissions are reviewed and/or edited before the final publication.

Educational resource details

Educational resource details
Please provide a short description (between 150 and 1000 characters including spaces).
This educational resource is relevant to members of thefollowing divisions. Please leave blank for interdisciplinary resources
Please specify the language of the teaching resource.


Here you may choose to link to an external resource or upload your own document. For the latter please add a licence name and URL, if available, and confirm that you have permission to upload this resource to a public database.

Either upload a single PDF file or compress and upload multiple PDF documents using a ZIP/TAR/TGZ archive
e.g. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0

Contact details

Your name and a valid email address are required to add your submission to our database. Please make sure to validate your entry (a link will be sent to the given email address) within three days, or your submission will be automatically deleted from our database.

The personal data you provide will not be made public. We respect your privacy and will never share your contact details with third parties nor will we send you unsolicited email. However, your contact details will remain in our database as long as this entry is published on our website, in case questions arise regarding the information you provided.

Contact details
Please write your first and last names
The EGU needs your contact information to validate this database entry. In addition we may need to contact you about your submission. You can withdraw your consent and have your data deleted at any time, in accordance with our privacy policy.