Training schools
EGU training schools offer early career scientists specialist training opportunities they do not normally have access to in their home institutions. This is done by assembling a group of expert teachers around a narrowly defined theme, technique or approach, in a location that is especially well set up to meet the specific training needs. Training schools can be positioned near emerging research opportunities, rapidly evolving fields, interdisciplinary approaches or highly specialised skills. They foster bonds between early career scientists and give them a chance to meet and discuss with current leaders of their field.
The EGU financial support must be used to facilitate the participation of early career scientists with limited funding through travel grants and/or to support the quality of the school by organising field trips or by inviting exceptional lecturers.
For more information and to apply, go to the requesting support page.
Need help?
If you have any questions regarding co-sponsoring of training schools please do not hesitate to contact:

Recently co-sponsored training schools
- Summer School on “Sea level change: evidence, challenges and policy”
- Summer School on Speleothem Science (S4) 2025
- Understanding the Unknowns: Communicating Uncertainty as a Driving Force for Geosciences
- CNDS/EGU Summer School on Natural Hazards in the Anthropocene
- 4th IAG-EGU Intensive Course on "Geomorphic services for environmental change understanding: from field surveying to dynamic and systemic risks evaluation"
- UMD/Magmatomix: Atomistic models of melts and fluids
- Polar winter school 2025
- 10th Training school on Convective and Volcanic Clouds (CVC) detection, monitoring and modeling
- Nexus of Organic Matter Analytical Developments (NOMAD) Summer School
- Sustainable organic amendment application from a soil and ground water management perspective
- 16th International School on Foraminifera
- Summerschool on Ice Sheets and Glaciers in the Climate System
- 9th Snow Science Winter School
- International summer School on “Mud Volcanism and Fluid Migration Systems
- Deformation Processes in the Lower Crust (Bohemian Massif, Austria).
- Southern Ocean Summer School 2024
- Wood and charcoals in Mediterranean forest ecology: anatomical identification and functional traits to interpret past and current climate changes
- International Tracing Workshop 2024 – Emerging strategies of sediment and contaminant tracing in catchments and river systems
- Training school on remote sensing and interpretation of volcanic gas emission
- GEM-EGU GeoHazards Risk Assessment Summer School
- Developing research skills in integrated oceanography, energy and strategic metal deposits and geobiology in emergent volcanoes—the example of the Milos natural palaeogeothermal laboratory
- Advanced spatial statistics methods for environmental applications
- 8th Snow Science Winter School
- MATHS: Macroscopic, Atomistic, and THermodynamic models of mineralS and meltS
Please see the full list of previously co-sponsored training schools