New EGU journal: Weather and Climate Dynamics
23 August 2019
The EGU has launched its latest international not-for-profit scientific publication. Weather and Climate Dynamics (WCD) is an open-access, two-stage journal with open review, following the model of other EGU journals, and is published by Copernicus Publications.
WCD is dedicated to the publication and public discussion of high-quality research on dynamical processes in the atmosphere. It is currently accepting submission of research papers in areas such as the dynamics of extreme weather events, interactions of atmospheric flows with cloud physics and/or radiation, links between the atmospheric water cycle and weather systems, storm track and Hadley cell dynamics, the role of atmospheric dynamics in palaeoclimate and climate change projections, and many other aspects of weather and climate dynamics.
Camille Li, Stephan Pfahl and Heini Wernli, who jointly initiated this journal, say: “Atmospheric dynamics is a cornerstone for understanding extremes, variability and long-term change within the climate system. Weather and Climate Dynamics fills an emerging need within the community to explore synergies across timescales, thus establishing a seamless perspective on atmospheric flows. This effort will allow us to address challenging questions of societal relevance, such as ‘How does climate change influence the frequency of weather patterns?’ or ‘How can a series of unusual weather situations affect seasonal mean conditions and their predictability?’ The transparent review process and open-access policy of WCD provides an ideal platform for invigorating scientific exchange and ensuring the publication of high-quality scientific articles.”
EGU members and other scientists are welcome to submit their research to the journal via its website. Article processing charges are currently waived.
Camille Li
WCD Executive Editor
University of Bergen, Norway
Stephan Pfahl
WCD Executive Editor
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Heini Wernli
WCD Executive Editor
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Bárbara Ferreira
EGU Media and Communications Manager
Munich, Germany
Phone +49-89-2050-76340
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