Relaunch of TC website 11 March 2015 Our publisher Copernicus has just relaunched the website for The Cryosphere, an open-access EGU journal. The new website features a redesigned home page, which includes news, recent papers and highlight papers, as well as fast-access buttons for manuscript submission and tracking of manuscripts under review. Find more details about the redesign over at the new TC website. Read more
Relaunch of ESurf website 11 March 2015 Our publisher Copernicus has just relaunched the website for Earth Surface Dynamics, an open-access EGU journal. The new website features a redesigned home page, which includes news, recent papers and highlight papers, as well as fast-access buttons for manuscript submission and tracking of manuscripts under review. Find more details about the redesign over at the new ESurf website. Read more
Relaunch of ESD website 10 March 2015 Our publisher Copernicus has just relaunched the website for Earth System Dynamics, an open-access EGU journal. The new website features a redesigned home page, which includes news, recent papers and highlight papers, as well as fast-access buttons for manuscript submission and tracking of manuscripts under review. Find more details about the redesign over at the new ESD website. Read more
Relaunch of BG website 10 March 2015 Our publisher Copernicus has just relaunched the website for Biogeosciences, an open-access EGU journal. The new website features a redesigned home page, which includes news, recent papers and highlight papers, as well as fast-access buttons for manuscript submission and tracking of manuscripts under review. Find more details about the redesign over at the new BG website. Read more
10th EGU Alexander von Humboldt International Conference 9 March 2015 The 2015 Alexander von Humboldt conference will be joined with the EGU Leonardo Conference Series and will focus on Water-Food-Energy River and Society in the Tropics. It is taking place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 18–20 November. The deadline for abstract submission is 13 July. The conference will also have an associated Geosciences Information for Teachers (GIFT) workshop, open to local teachers and educators. Read more
Relaunch of ACP website 6 March 2015 Our publisher Copernicus has just relaunched the website for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, an open-access EGU journal. The new website features a redesigned home page, which includes news, recent papers and highlight papers, as well as fast-access buttons for manuscript submission and tracking of manuscripts under review. Find more details about the redesign over at the new ACP website. Read more
Relaunch of ADGEO website 4 March 2015 Our publisher Copernicus has just relaunched the website for Advances in Geosciences, an EGU open access journal for refereed conference proceedings and special publications. The new website features a redesigned home page, as well as fast-access buttons for manuscript submission and tracking of manuscripts under review. If you are organising a scientific meeting, or convening a session at the EGU General Assembly, consider submitting a contribution to ADGEO. Read more
Relaunch of AMT website 2 March 2015 Our publisher Copernicus has just relaunched the website for Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, an open-access EGU journal. The new website features a redesigned home page, which includes news, recent papers and highlight papers, as well as fast-access buttons for manuscript submission and tracking of manuscripts under review. Find more details about the redesign over at the new AMT website. Read more
Imaggeo Photo Competition 27 January 2015 The sixth annual EGU photo competition opens on 1 February. Up until 1 March, every participant pre-registered for the General Assembly can submit up three original photos and one moving image on any broad theme related to the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. This year, in line with the theme of the EGU 2015 General Assembly, we particularly encourage submissions representing A Voyage Through Scales. Read more
Communicate Your Science Video Competition 27 January 2015 Want to communicate your research to a wider audience and try your hand at video production? Now’s your chance! Young scientists pre-registered for the EGU General Assembly are invited to take part in the EGU’s Communicate Your Science Video Competition. Deadline has been extended to 12 March. Read more