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Campfire GMPV Campfire - Scientific Edition Thu, 27 Jun 2024 11:00 CEST

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European Geosciences Union

GMPV Campfire - Scientific Edition

We are happy to announce the next edition of the GMPV Campfires, which will be held on Thursday 13th June at 4 pm CEST on Zoom.

Our three speakers are:

Théo Biget (PhD student @ Université Clermont Auvergne, France) - Exploring the differentiation of Calabrian crust with accessory minerals

Veronica Peverelli (PostDoc @ University of Bologna, Italy) - The role of plate-interface metasomatic rocks in biogeodynamics

Victor Dorneles (PhD student @ University of Bologna, Italy) - Extreme terrestrial alkaline lakes as windows on biosignature preservation in paleolacustrine environments on Mars

If you have any questions about ‘GMPV Campfire - Scientific Edition’, please contact us via