Nick Van Horebeek

BG Biogeosciences
The 2021 Virtual Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (vOSPP) Award is awarded to Nick Van Horebeek for the poster/PICO entitled:
A stable oxygen isotope record of weather-timescale variability in the Eocene greenhouse world, using the giant marine gastropod Campanile giganteum (Van Horebeek, N.; Vellekoop, J.; Clark, A. J.; de Winter, N. J.; Stroobandt, Y.; Speijer, R. P.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Nick Van Horebeek is a MSc student in Geology, at the Department of Environmental Sciences of KU Leuven, Belgium, studying paleoclimate records of the Eocene greenhouse world.
For his master thesis, under the supervision of Dr. Johan Vellekoop and Prof. Dr. Robert P. Speijer, Nick generated an ultra-high resolution stable oxygen isotope record, using the fast growing giant gastropod Campanile giganteum from the Lutetian deposits of the Paris Basin, France.
The research presented at EGU21 concerned a stable oxygen isotope record of a five years livespan, with a daily to biweekly resolution. A key observation of this research is that the weather-timescale variability in the δ18O record is largest in summer, with perturbations of up to 0.5‰, possibly reflecting high precipitation events during this season.