Nikolaos Triantafyllis

SM Seismology
The 2021 Virtual Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (vOSPP) Award is awarded to Nikolaos Triantafyllis for the poster/PICO entitled:
Gisola: Real-Time Moment Tensor computation optimized for multicore and manycore architectures (Triantafyllis, N.; Venetis, I.; Fountoulakis, I.; Pikoulis, E.-V.; Sokos, E.; Evangelidis, C.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Nikolaos Triantafyllis is a Ph.D. candidate on High Performance Computing (HPC) job scheduling optimizations at the Computing Systems Laboratory (CSLAB) of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in Greece. With the support of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), he has recently developed an HPC-oriented application for automatic moment tensor inversion in real-time, operationally in use by the Institute of Geodynamics (GI) of NOA. Currently, he holds the position of HPC high-level support engineer at the National Infrastructures for Research and Technology (GRNET).
The PICO presented at the EGU GA 2021 introduces this new open-source software, under the name Gisola, describing the program’s architecture, the enhanced algorithms in use, and the software’s capabilities under the user’s customization.