Nino Menzel

SM Seismology
The 2024 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award is awarded to Nino Menzel for the poster/PICO entitled:
Strategies for geoelectrical monitoring of subsurface fluid transport processes using Optimized Experimental Design (Menzel, N.; Uhlemann, S.; Wagner, F. M.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Nino Menzel is a PhD candidate at RWTH Aachen University under the supervision of Prof. Florian Wagner. After completing his Masters in Applied Geosciences in 2022 at RWTH Aachen, Nino started his PhD at the Geophysical Imaging and Monitoring Research and Teaching Unit. His PhD project is funded by the Federal Agency for Nuclear Waste Disposal (BGE) and focuses on improving the predictive quality of simulations relevant for safe disposal and storage of nuclear waste.
Nino's current research aims at optimizing geophysical data acquisitions by applying different Optimized Experimental Design (OED) strategies. His primary goal is to develop and adapt a variety of optimization strategies for geophysical monitoring surveys of subsurface fluid flow processes. The awarded poster presented three OED methods that were successfully applied to a synthetic tracer flow simulation. Nino's near-future research goals include the verification of the presented findings in the field as well as further developments in the time-lapse inversion of monitoring data as well as multi-method OED strategies.