EGU General Assembly 2018 GIFT Workshop
Please see the full brochure (PDF document, 21.5 MB) for more details.
Sunday, 8 April 2018
Guided tour of the Natural History Museum Vienna
Herbert Summesberger and Mathias Harzhauser, Natural History Museum Vienna
Monday, 9 April 2018
Jonathan Bamber, President of EGU
Introduction to the 2018 GIFT workshop
Carlo Laj, EGU Committee on Education
- Presentation (PDF document, 4.0 MB)
The first million years of the Solar system: from dust to planets
Marc Chaussidon, Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris, France
- Video stream (Youtube)
- Presentation (PDF document, 3.3 MB)
The emergence of life
Stephen J. Mojzsis, University of Colorado, CO, USA
- Video stream (Youtube)
- Presentation (PDF document, 6.5 MB)
When did the Earth's magnetic field start, and how has it contributed to the preservation of life?
John A. Tarduno, University of Rochester, NY, USA
- Video stream (Youtube)
- Presentation (PDF document, 5.7 MB)
- Presentation (MOV video, 4.4 MB)
- Presentation (M4V, 53.7 MB)
Instructions for the poster session EOS03
Eve Arnold, EGU Committee on Education
Plate Tectonics: The scientific revolution that revealed how our planet works
Massimo Mattei, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Rome, Italy
- Video stream (Youtube)
- Presentation (PDF document, 7.9 MB)
Hands-on-activities: Crater impact lab
Diane Carrer and Jérémy Camponovo, International High School Valbonne, France
Hands-on-activities: Teaching the structure of the Earth and plate tectonics
Chris King, EGU Committee on Education
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
The great oxidation event, 2.3 billion years ago
Ariel Anbar, Arizona State University, Arizona, USA
- Video stream (Youtube)
- Presentation (PDF document, 6.6 MB)
Shaping the Earth – from Pangaea... and possibly back again!
Isabelle Ansorge, University of Cape Town, South Africa
- Video stream (Youtube)
- Presentation (PDF document, 4.8 MB)
How volcanic eruptions caused Earth's greatest mass extinction and what that tells us about the future
David P.G. Bond, University of Hull, United Kingdom
- Video stream (Youtube)
- Presentation (PDF document, 7.4 MB)
Impact events in Earth history: The cretaceouspaleogene boundary ejecta layer and its source crater at Chicxulub
Christian Koeberl, Natural History Museum and University of Vienna, Austria
- Video stream (Youtube)
- Presentation (PDF document, 4.5 MB)
Virtual tour: Antarctic islands update
Francine Brondex, Freelancer in Education and Outreach
Eric Bataillou, Amiral de Grasse Primary School, Bar sur Loup, France- Presentation (PDF document, 4.8 MB)
EOS3 – Poster session
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Welcome to the Anthropocene – the Earth in our hands
Reinhold Leinfelder, Free University, Berlin, Germany
- Video stream (Youtube)
- Presentation (PDF document, 9.4 MB)
How Earth observation (EO) from space changed our knowledge of the planet
Francesco Sarti and Chris Stewart, European Space Agency / ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
- Presentation (PDF document, 5.2 MB)
VtWeB, a new site for teaching geology and geophysics
Manuel Pubellier, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
Serge Riazanoff, Visio Terra, Champs-sur-Marne, France- Presentation (PDF document, 5.9 MB)
Ice sheet evolution in the Arctic
Maja Sojtaric, Henry Patton and Alun Hubbard L., UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Mona Holmø, Nordnorsk vitensenter Tromsø, Science centre, Tromsø, Norway- Presentation (PDF document, 3.1 MB)
Virtual tour: ‘Teachers-at-sea’ in the Philippine Sea
Glaiza Reobilo, Philippine Science High School, Bicol Region Campus, Philippines
Carlo Laj, EGU Committee on Education -
Geological trail from Maria Theresa's Monument to St. Stephen's Cathedral
Herbert Summesberger, Natural History Museum Vienna, Austria