Educators: apply now to take part in the 2015 GIFT workshop! 23 September 2014 The Geosciences Information For Teachers workshop is taking place on April 13–15 2015 at the EGU General Assembly in Vienna, Austria. The topic of the 2015 edition of GIFT is Mineral Resources. The workshop will explore the challenges of using natural mineral resources in a rapidly developing and growing world. Read more
New edition of GeoQ out now! 3 September 2014 The latest issue of the EGU quarterly newsletter is dedicated to ‘Local events, global impacts’. Read more
Planet Press: EGU news for children! 3 September 2014 The EGU has launched a new educational initiative called Planet Press: short versions of our press releases written in a child-friendly language. The project aims to get children (mainly 7-13 year olds), and their parents and educators, interested in and engaged with up-to-date scientific research and news. Read more
EGU election for Division Presidents and Treasurer: propose a candidate 13 August 2014 The autumn 2014 election, when 2014 EGU members will be able to vote for Division Presidents and the EGU Treasurer, is taking place from 1 November to 1 December. Until 15 September you are kindly asked to propose a candidate to either vacancy by filling in the candidate proposal form. Read more
EGU journal news: new impact factors, h5-index and an anniversary 1 August 2014 The new impact factors for all EGU journals are now available from the journals’ websites. Copernicus has also included the Google Scholar Metrics h5-index for all their journals. Read more
EGU 2015 call for sessions 7 July 2014 The call for session proposals for the EGU 2015 General Assembly is now open. Until 12 September you can suggest new sessions with conveners and description, or you can propose modifications to current ones. The next EGU General Assembly is taking place in Vienna, Austria from 12 to 17 April 2015. Read more
New edition of GeoQ out now! 2 June 2014 This issue of the EGU quarterly newsletter is dedicated to the EGU 2014 General Assembly. It includes articles about the research and discussed at the conference, a letter from the EGU President Günter Blöschl with reflections on the meeting, and much more! Read more
Nominate candidates for our awards and medals! 20 May 2014 Every year, the EGU honours individuals for their important contributions to the Earth, planetary and space sciences through its awards and medals programme. EGU members are kindly asked to submit their nominations for all EGU medals and awards by 15 June. Read more
New EGU partnerships 20 May 2014 The EGU has signed Memoranda of Cooperation with the Geological Society of America and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations. Read more
Looking back at the EGU 2014 General Assembly 13 May 2014 From 27 April to 2 May, Earth, planetary and space scientists from all over the world got together in Vienna for the EGU 2014 General Assembly. The meeting, which for the first time had a theme (The Face of the Earth), was rich in scientific achievements, international discussions and interesting new features. With over 15,000 presentations and close to 12,500 participants from 106 countries, it was also the largest to date. Read more
Welcome to the new EGU Vice-President and three new committee chairs! 13 May 2014 At the EGU 2014 General Assembly, Hans Thybo was inaugurated as EGU Vice-President while Nicholas Arndt, Gerrit de Rooij and Hubert H.G. Savenije became the new chairs of the Outreach, Programme and Publications Committees, respectively. Read more
Job opportunity at the EGU Executive Office: Communications Officer 18 March 2014 We are seeking to appoint a Communications Officer to work with the EGU Media and Communications Manager in maintaining and further developing media- and science-related communications between the EGU and its membership, the working media and the public at large. Read more
Obituary: Peter Fabian (1937 – 2014) 13 March 2014 Peter Fabian, the first EGU President, passed away on 11 March at the age of 76. Read more
New edition of GeoQ out now! 3 March 2014 This issue of the EGU quarterly newsletter is dedicated to The Face of the Earth, the theme of this year’s General Assembly. A special contribution from the EGU President and the EGU Programme Committee Chair at the start of the issue informs readers about this theme and what will be different at this year’s meeting. Read more
Imaggeo Photo Competition 29 January 2014 The fifth annual EGU photo competition opens on 1 February. Up until 1 March, every participant pre-registered for the General Assembly can submit up three original photos and one moving image on any broad theme related to the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. Read more
Communicate Your Science Video Competition 29 January 2014 Want to communicate your research to a wider audience and try your hand at video production? Now’s your chance! Young scientists pre-registered for the EGU General Assembly are invited to take part in the EGU’s first ever Communicate Your Science Video Competition! Read more
Earth System Dynamics indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded 7 January 2014 Thomson Reuters has announced that they will include Earth System Dynamics (ESD) in their Web of Science/ISI listings following the completion of their assessment of the quality, characteristics and flow of papers published in the journal since its launch in 2010. Read more
Submit your abstract and register for the EGU 2014 General Assembly 2 January 2014 The EGU 2014 General Assembly, which is taking place in Vienna, Austria from 27 April-2 May, will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. Read more
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics becomes interactive! 18 December 2013 Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics (NPG), an EGU-Copernicus publication, is transitioning from an open access journal with a traditional review process into an interactive open access journal applying the public peer-review and interactive public discussion concept. Read more
New EGU journal SOIL to be launched at the 2014 General Assembly 17 December 2013 SOIL, the newest interactive and open access journal of the EGU, is dedicated to the publication and discussion of high-quality research in the field of soil system sciences. It will open for submissions in May 2014, following the journal’s official launch at the EGU 2014 General Assembly. Read more
9th EGU Alexander von Humboldt International Conference 16 December 2013 The next AvH conference is on High Impact Natural Hazards Related to the Euro-Mediterranean Region, and will be held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 24–28 March 2014. The deadline for abstracts is 31 January 2014. Read more
GIFT teachers and EGU scientists: apply now to take part in I’m a Geoscientist, get me out of here! 13 December 2013 The EGU are funding a European-wide educational project to provide school students with the opportunity to meet and interact with real scientists. Read more
Welcome to a new Imaggeo! 9 December 2013 The EGU’s open access geoscience image repository has a new and improved home. Visit the all new Imaggeo at Read more
Results of the EGU Autumn 2013 elections 2 December 2013 The EGU election for the next EGU president/vice-president and general secretary closed on 01 December. The results are now available on the Elections page of this website. The EGU is thankful to all those who used their voting right. Active participation in elections ensures continuation of the well-established bottom-up structure of our Union! Read more
New edition of GeoQ out now! 2 December 2013 The December issue of the quarterly newsletter of the European Geosciences Union is dedicated to climate. Of highlight are the articles on new climate research and a piece from the European Commission Directorate-General for Climate Action. Read more
GIFT goes to Africa! Applications now open for Southern African teachers to participate in the 2014 workshop 27 November 2013 Southern African teachers can now apply to participate in the first UNESCO-EGU-ESA Geosciences Information for Teachers (GIFT) workshop. Selected teachers will receive a travel/hotel stipend and free registration to the meeting, which is taking place in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, on 26–28 February 2014. The topic of the workshop is Climate Change and Human Adaptation. Read more
EGU2014: Applying for financial support to attend the General Assembly 12 November 2013 A limited amount of the overall budget of the EGU General Assembly is reserved to assist young scientists and established scientists from low and lower middle income countries who wish to present their work at the meeting. Scientists who wish to apply for financial support should submit an abstract, on which they are first authors, by 29 November 2013. Read more
Voting for the next EGU president/vice-president and general secretary 5 November 2013 From now until 1 December 2013, EGU members can vote in the Autumn 2013 EGU Election. If you are an active member of the Union, you should have already received an email with a personalised voting link. Remember that active participation in EGU elections ensures continuation of the well-established bottom-up structure of our Union! Read more
EGU journals to display article-level metrics 15 October 2013 Copernicus Publications, the publisher of the EGU open access journals, has just launched article-level metrics (ALMs) for all its journals. Read more
EGU announces 2014 awards and medals 14 October 2013 The EGU has named the 43 recipients of next year’s Union Medals and Awards, Division Medals, and Division Outstanding Young Scientist Awards. Read more
Educators: apply now to take part in the 2014 GIFT workshop! 10 September 2013 The Geosciences Information For Teachers workshop is taking place on April 27–30 2014 at the EGU General Assembly in Vienna, Austria. The topic of the 2014 edition of GIFT is Our Changing Planet and the workshop will explore some of the recent complex changes of our environment, particularly in the framework of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Read more
New edition of GeoQ out now! 2 September 2013 The September issue of the quarterly newsletter of the European Geosciences Union is dedicated to young scientists. Of highlight are the articles, on young researchers’ work and a whole new Young Scientists section. Read more
Resource site for young scientists launched 20 August 2013 Early career researchers make up a large proportion of the EGU membership and (graduate and undergraduate) students regularly make up about a third of General Assembly participants. With so many young scientists involved in the EGU, we wanted to produce something that caters for them – the young scientists’ website. Read more
EGU journal implements new requirement for authors to provide computer code of their models 20 August 2013 The EGU journal Geoscientific Model Development (GMD) has implemented some radical new policies in terms of requirements of the published papers. The changes are highlighted in an editorial recently published in GMD. Read more
Six new blogs join the EGU Blog Network 8 August 2013 The new geoscience blogs cover mineralogy, climate change and volcanology as well as the atmospheric, Quaternary and soil sciences. Like other blogs on the network, their aim is to put complex scientific research into context and share recent findings beyond the usual suspects, opening science up to a much wider audience. Read more
EGU election for president/vice-president and general secretary: propose a candidate 1 August 2013 The autumn 2013 election, where 2013 EGU members will be able to vote for the next president/vice-president and general secretary, is taking place from 1 November to 1 December. From now until 30 September, you are kindly asked to propose a candidate to either vacancy. Read more
New edition of GeoQ out now! 3 June 2013 The June issue of the quarterly newsletter of the European Geosciences Union is dedicated to the EGU 2013 General Assembly. Of highlight are the articles, on research published at the meeting, the letter from the Programme Committee Chair and interviews with GIFT teachers. Read more
Launching a new EGU interactive open access journal, ESurf 4 April 2013 Earth Surface Dynamics (ESurf) is the newest international scientific journal of the EGU. It is dedicated to the publication and discussion of high-quality research on the physical, chemical and biological processes shaping Earth’s surface and their interactions on all scales. Read more
Austrian Science and Research Minister at the EGU General Assembly 4 April 2013 Karlheinz Töchterle, the Austrian Federal Minister for Science and Research, will attend the EGU Award Ceremony where he will give a presentation on the future of geosciences in Europe. Read more
March edition of the EGU newsletter, GeoQ, now published! 4 March 2013 Don’t miss the Articles section, the letter from the EGU Awards Committee Chair Alberto Montanari in EGU Voice, and a very interesting Education article featuring micropalaeontology activities for the classroom. The pieces in the External News section are also of mention: one introduces the Future Earth initiative and the other a science policy programme from the other side of the Atlantic. Read more
Job opportunity at the EGU Executive Office: Educational Fellow 22 February 2013 We intend to appoint a Fellow to expand the Union’s educational programme with activities that are targeted directly at school students. These activities will complement our current efforts, such as the Geosciences Information for Teachers workshop (GIFT), which are aimed primarily at teachers. The Fellow will further assist our Education Committee with an EGU-UNESCO collaboration intended to expand GIFT to Africa. Read more
Special edition of GeoQ dedicated to the 10 years of EGU 10 December 2012 The December issue of the EGU’s quarterly newsletter is now published online. This special edition of GeoQ celebrates a major milestone in the Union’s history, its 10th anniversary, by telling its story and showing a glimpse into its future. This issue further sheds light on the EGU’s unique relationship with conference-organiser and publisher Copernicus, and on the workings of our Munich office. Read more
Results of the EGU Autumn 2012 elections 4 December 2012 The EGU election for the next Treasurer and Division Presidents closed on 01 December. The results are now available on the Elections page of this website. The EGU is thankful to all those who used their voting right. Active participation in elections ensures continuation of the well-established bottom-up structure of our Union! Read more
Applying for financial support to attend the General Assembly 9 November 2012 A limited amount of the overall budget of the EGU General Assembly is reserved to assist young scientists who wish to present at the meeting. Scientists who wish to apply for financial support should submit an abstract, on which they are first authors, by 30 November 2012. Read more
Voting for the next EGU Treasurer and Division Presidents now open! 2 November 2012 From now until 1 December 2012, EGU members can vote in the Autumn 2012 EGU Election. If you are an active member of the Union, you should have already received an email with a personalised voting link. Remember that active participation in EGU elections ensures continuation of the well-established bottom-up structure of our Union! Read more
EGU Seismology Division reacts to the L’Aquila verdict 25 October 2012 On Monday 22 October, an Italian judge sentenced seven members of Italy’s National Commission for the Forecast and Prevention of Major Risks, six scientists and a former government official, to six years in jail for manslaughter for providing “inexact, incomplete and contradictory” information to the public before an earthquake hit the town of L’Aquila, Italy, in 2009. The EGU’s Seismology Division has reacted to the verdict on their Division page with a statement that provides some insight on the possible consequences this case may have for the dialogue between science and society, and for scientific research itself. Read more
Job opportunity at the EGU Executive Office: Communications Assistant 22 October 2012 We are seeking to appoint a Communications Assistant to work with the EGU Media and Communications Officer in maintaining and further developing media-related and science information communications between the EGU and its membership, the working media, and the public at large. Read more
EGU announces 2013 Awards and Medals 22 October 2012 The EGU has named the 41 recipients of next year’s Union Medals and Awards, Division Medals, and Division Outstanding Young Scientist Awards. These individuals, honoured for their important contributions to the Earth, planetary, and space sciences, will receive their prizes at the 2013 EGU General Assembly taking place in Vienna on 7-12 April. Read more
Solid Earth indexed by Thomson Reuters 16 October 2012 The EGU open access journal Solid Earth is now indexed in Thomson Reuters (ISI) Web of Knowledge and will soon be listed in Science Citation Index Expanded and in Journal Citation Reports. The EGU is grateful to Solid Earth editors for their invaluable contribution to this achievement, as well as the scientific community for submitting their top research to this and other EGU journals. Read more
The EGU turns 10! 7 September 2012 Today, 7 September 2012, marks the 10th anniversary of the European Geosciences Union, Europe’s premier geosciences union. Read more