Kate Ravilious and Liz Kalaugher awarded EGU Science Journalism Fellowship Press release 21 January 2013 The European Geosciences Union (EGU) has named journalists Kate Ravilious and Liz Kalaugher as the winners of its second Science Journalism Fellowship for projects on reporting continental earthquakes and climate-change effects on ecosystems, respectively. Read more
General Assembly 2013 Media Advisory 1 – Media registration now open Press release 12 December 2012 Journalists, science writers, and public information officers can now register online to the 2013 General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). The meeting brings together over 10,000 scientists from all over the world and covers all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. Read more
Special edition of GeoQ dedicated to the 10 years of EGU 10 December 2012 The December issue of the EGU’s quarterly newsletter is now published online. This special edition of GeoQ celebrates a major milestone in the Union’s history, its 10th anniversary, by telling its story and showing a glimpse into its future. This issue further sheds light on the EGU’s unique relationship with conference-organiser and publisher Copernicus, and on the workings of our Munich office. Read more
Scientists pinpoint great-earthquake hotspots Press release 5 December 2012 The world’s largest earthquakes occur at subduction zones – locations where a tectonic plate slips under another. But where along these extended subduction areas are great earthquakes most likely to happen? Scientists have now found that regions where ‘scars’ on the seafloor, called fracture zones, meet subduction areas are at higher risk of generating powerful earthquakes. The results are published today in Solid Earth, an open access journal of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). Read more
Results of the EGU Autumn 2012 elections 4 December 2012 The EGU election for the next Treasurer and Division Presidents closed on 01 December. The results are now available on the Elections page of this website. The EGU is thankful to all those who used their voting right. Active participation in elections ensures continuation of the well-established bottom-up structure of our Union! Read more
EGU Science Journalism Fellowships (up to €5k) – application deadline extended Press release 14 November 2012 The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is offering fellowships for journalists to report on ongoing research in the geosciences. Successful applicants will receive up to €5k to cover expenses related to their projects, including following scientists on location. Read more
Applying for financial support to attend the General Assembly 9 November 2012 A limited amount of the overall budget of the EGU General Assembly is reserved to assist young scientists who wish to present at the meeting. Scientists who wish to apply for financial support should submit an abstract, on which they are first authors, by 30 November 2012. Read more
Voting for the next EGU Treasurer and Division Presidents now open! 2 November 2012 From now until 1 December 2012, EGU members can vote in the Autumn 2012 EGU Election. If you are an active member of the Union, you should have already received an email with a personalised voting link. Remember that active participation in EGU elections ensures continuation of the well-established bottom-up structure of our Union! Read more
EGU Seismology Division reacts to the L’Aquila verdict 25 October 2012 On Monday 22 October, an Italian judge sentenced seven members of Italy’s National Commission for the Forecast and Prevention of Major Risks, six scientists and a former government official, to six years in jail for manslaughter for providing “inexact, incomplete and contradictory” information to the public before an earthquake hit the town of L’Aquila, Italy, in 2009. The EGU’s Seismology Division has reacted to the verdict on their Division page with a statement that provides some insight on the possible consequences this case may have for the dialogue between science and society, and for scientific research itself. Read more
Job opportunity at the EGU Executive Office: Communications Assistant 22 October 2012 We are seeking to appoint a Communications Assistant to work with the EGU Media and Communications Officer in maintaining and further developing media-related and science information communications between the EGU and its membership, the working media, and the public at large. Read more
EGU announces 2013 Awards and Medals 22 October 2012 The EGU has named the 41 recipients of next year’s Union Medals and Awards, Division Medals, and Division Outstanding Young Scientist Awards. These individuals, honoured for their important contributions to the Earth, planetary, and space sciences, will receive their prizes at the 2013 EGU General Assembly taking place in Vienna on 7-12 April. Read more
Solid Earth indexed by Thomson Reuters 16 October 2012 The EGU open access journal Solid Earth is now indexed in Thomson Reuters (ISI) Web of Knowledge and will soon be listed in Science Citation Index Expanded and in Journal Citation Reports. The EGU is grateful to Solid Earth editors for their invaluable contribution to this achievement, as well as the scientific community for submitting their top research to this and other EGU journals. Read more
The EGU turns 10! 7 September 2012 Today, 7 September 2012, marks the 10th anniversary of the European Geosciences Union, Europe’s premier geosciences union. Read more
The third issue of GeoQ is out now! 3 September 2012 The September edition of the quarterly newsletter of the European Geosciences Union is now published online. This issue includes an article about Tohoku photographer Stephen Vaughan, who exhibited his work at the 2012 General Assembly, as well as articles on recent research in the Earth and planetary sciences. GeoQ#3 also features a report on EPOCA, the European Project on Ocean Acidification. Read more
EGU election for Division Presidents and Treasurer: propose a candidate 2 August 2012 From now until 15 September, you are kindly asked to propose a candidate for the vacancies of EGU Division Presidents and Treasurer by filling in the Candidate Proposal Form. Read more
Cut emissions further or face risks of high air pollution, study shows Press release 1 August 2012 Most of the world’s population will be subject to degraded air quality in 2050 if man-made emissions continue as usual. In this ‘business-as-usual’ scenario, the average world citizen 40 years from now will experience similar air pollution to that of today’s average East Asian citizen. Read more
Educators: apply now to take part in the 2013 GIFT workshop! 30 July 2012 The Geosciences Information For Teachers workshop is taking place on April 8-10 2013 at the EGU General Assembly in Vienna, Austria. The topic of the 2013 edition of GIFT is Natural Hazards, and the workshop will explore the complex relations between natural hazards – such as earthquakes, tsunamis, wildfires or floods – and society. Read more
Geoengineering could disrupt rainfall patterns Press release 6 June 2012 A geoengineering solution to climate change could lead to significant rainfall reduction in Europe and North America, a team of European scientists concludes. Read more
The second issue of GeoQ is out now! 4 June 2012 The June edition of the quarterly newsletter of the European Geosciences Union is now published online. This issue includes pieces on recent research in the geosciences, as well as articles and short reports on various activities that took place at the 2012 General Assembly. Read more
EGU open letter to European policymakers 30 May 2012 The EGU recently wrote to J. M. Barroso (President of the European Commission), M. Schultz (President of the European Parliament), M. Østergaard (Presidency of the EU Council), and other policymakers regarding the loss of Envisat and the potential launch delay of the Sentinel satellites. The letter highlights the importance of environmental satellites and urges all parties to come to an agreement to allow the prompt launch of Envisat’s follow-on missions. Read more
Short report on 2012 General Assembly Press Centre activities 16 May 2012 This year’s General Assembly, with over 13,500 presentations and more than 11,200 participating scientists, was one of the most successful to date. In addition to its scientific achievements, the conference also saw keen media participation and reporting. Read more
Research on Flood Resilience and Europe: achievements and future 3 May 2012 The extent and consequences of recent flood events in Europe and worldwide showed that the existing flood defence structures do not guarantee a sufficient protection level for people and properties. Considering the uncertainty of future conditions shaped by main drivers of urban development such as climate change, and rapid urbanization the situation is getting even more severe. Read more
8th EGU Alexander von Humboldt International Conference 30 April 2012 This year, the conference is on Natural Disasters, Global Change, and the Preservation of World Heritage Sites, and will be held in Cusco, Peru, from November 12–16, 2012. The meeting is jointly organized by Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abab del Cusco (UNSAAC), Facultad de Ingenieria Civil and the European Geosciences Union (EGU). Read more
General Assembly 2012 Media Advisory 3 – Full press conference schedule, online registration closing tomorrow Press release 28 March 2012 The schedule of press conferences at the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), including summaries and list of participants, is now available. Journalists interested in attending should register online by tomorrow. Those not in Vienna during the Assembly can watch press conferences live via webstreaming. The EGU General Assembly is a meeting with over 10,000 scientists that covers all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. Read more
General Assembly 2012 Media Advisory 2 – Meeting programme online, preliminary press conference topics Press release 14 March 2012 The programme for the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), a meeting with over 10,000 scientists that covers all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences, is now online. Press conferences will include presentations on Habitable Worlds in the Solar System and Climate Change (featuring Michael E. Mann), among other topics. The event will be held on 22–27 April 2012 at the Austria Center Vienna. Read more
Fukushima at increased earthquake risk Press release 14 February 2012 Seismic risk at the Fukushima nuclear plant increased after the magnitude 9 earthquake that hit Japan last March, scientists report. Read more
Alexandra Witze and Jane Qiu awarded EGU Science Journalism Fellowship Press release 1 February 2012 The European Geosciences Union (EGU) has named journalists Alexandra Witze and Jane Qiu as the winners of its first Geosciences Communications Fellowship for proposals on volcanology and climate change reporting, respectively. Each will receive €2,500 to cover expenses related to their projects. Read more
General Assembly 2012 Media Advisory 1 – Media registration now open Press release 26 January 2012 Journalists, science writers, and public information officers can now register online to the 2012 General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). The meeting brings together over 10,000 scientists from all over the world and covers all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. Read more